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Monday, September 12, 2016

Dude, that was fast…. CJ Walley’s Black SUV now optioned!! - post author simplyscriptshorts

Wow, it seems like only yesterday.

Wait a minute… it practically was!

September 7th, to be exact. That’s the day in history that STS showcased CJ Walley’s Black SUV.

Which has now been optioned to NYC based Kareem Gladden of GT Visionz. We’ve SEEN GT Visionz webpage. And we’re excited, to say the least!

So, as that trend continues, you better snap up CJ’s other work before it’s gone. Namely:

Dixie Gash Bandits – When they stop to fix their get-a-way vehicle, two runaway sisters must tackle both love at first sight and the bounty hunters hot on their tail.

Lone Star Runner Hunnies – Fleeing a drug deal gone wrong, four girls held up in a lonely Texas diner face the dilemma of capture vs saving a mortally wounded friend.

Stone Cold Sober – When a man confronts a woman that’s tailing him, he learns she’s his future daughter, who knows about an awful crime he’s yet to commit.

San Diego Impala Cholas – All they wanted to do was sell a gun. But things don’t always go as planned.

So Cal Gun Girls – After buying drugs and debating the commercialization of cannabis in California, two female gang members stumble straight into a robber who’s killed their beloved dealer.

About the writer, C.J. Walley: I began writing in 2012 and I’m pleased to say it’s been very exciting so far. I have been fortunate enough to have a short produced by a director in London and Amazon Studios have spotlighted one of my features as a notable project. My scripts place within the top 10% of various major screenwriting competitions and, as I continue to write new specs, I am remotely collaborating with a producers, directors, and actors in LA, NYC, New Orleans, Atlanta, Washington DC, Zurich, Amsterdam, Sydney, and Dallas while occasionally blogging for Stage 32. If you’re an aspiring filmmaker, then I’d love to join forces with you whatever the scale, do not hesitate to reach out and drop me a line. (CJ “AT” CJwalley DOT COM;

1 Comments so far


KP Mackie
September 25th, 2016 at 2:18 pm

Way to go, CJ!
Congratulations. 🙂

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