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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Object of My Infection – Short Script Review (Available for Production!) - post author Zach Zupke

The Object Of My Infection
Warning: Adult Content
A CDC research scientist uses the only tools available to her to end an abusive relationship.

Richard Gere played one of the most menacing, hated police characters of all time in 1990’s “Internal Affairs.” With immense help from writer Henry Bean and director Mike Figgis, Gere crafted one of those rare performances where you actually sweat and squirm in your seat while you watch his slimy Dennis Peck lather in deceit, corruption and murder.

Writer David Lambertson has created a similar character in “The Object Of My Infection” with suspended police captain Drew Sanders, a foul creature with police badge tattoos on each bicep who “looks as though he belongs in a Deep South trailer park.”

Drew’s wife Emma is his opposite; a lab technician/scientist at the Center for Disease Control. From page one, the stage is brilliantly set with good (white coat and all) versus evil (a law man we surmise has twisted the law).

There’s no line Drew won’t cross or snort including infidelity, which he blames his wife for.

She was here today? In our bed?

Drew doesn’t take his eyes off the television.

I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about?

I can smell her! I can smell what you did!

Drew takes a long sip of beer.

(far too casual)
Well, maybe if you weren’t so catatonic in the sack, I wouldn’t
have to be chasing stray pussy.
It’s like fucking a corpse with you.

Emma screams at her coked-up husband to leave, throws house keys at him, nicks his cheek – and pays an all-too-painful price. His brutality includes several backhands to Emma’s face before dragging her to the bedroom for their first-ever sodomy session.

Bruised and permanently battered, Emma’s determined to end the vicious cycle despite Drew’s day-after promises to stop using and abusing.

Dangling at the end of her frayed rope, Emma eventually brings home a special treat from work for “Dear Hubby” – in the form of a white powder he thinks is cocaine. Naked on their bed, the only thing she wears is a bump across her stomach and Drew can’t resist, the last in a long line of his mistakes.

There’s no mistaking the quality of storytelling in “The Object Of My Infection,” which would have minimal budget. The biggest hurdle may be finding a location to mimic the CDC.

And finding a brave enough actor to take on Emma’s role.

Pages: 12

Budget: Moderate – except for a lab scene, the other locations are simple… with only two main characters (that better have great emotional range.)

About the reviewer: Zack Zupke is a writer in Los Angeles. Zack was a latch-key kid (insert “awww” here) whose best friend was a 19-inch color television (horrific, he knows). His early education (1st grade on) included watching countless hours of shows like “M*A*S*H,” “Star Trek” and “The Odd Couple” and movies like “The Godfather,” “Rocky” and “Annie Hall.” Flash forward to present day and his short “The Confession” was recently produced by Trident Technical College in Charleston, SC. He’s currently working on a futuristic hitman thriller with a partner and refining a dramedy pilot perfect for the likes of FX. You can reach Zack at zzupke “at” yahoo.

About the writer, Dave Lambertson: I took up writing rather late in life having already been retired before I put pen to paper (okay – finger to computer key) for the first time. My favorite genres to read and write are dramedies and romantic comedies.

In addition to this short, I have written four features; “The Last Statesman” (a 2015 PAGE finalist and a Nicholl’s and BlueCat quarterfinalist), “The Beginning of The End and The End” (a PAGE Semi-Finalist). Taking Stock (a drama) and a new comedy – “Screw You Tube”. Want to learn more? Reach Dave at dlambertson “AT” hotmail! And check out his website for even for goodies HERE! (





All screenplays are copyrighted to their respective authors. All rights reserved. The screenplays may not be used without the expressed written permission of the author.

2 Comments so far


KP Mackie
July 14th, 2016 at 3:47 pm

Powerful story that grabs your attention immediately.
The script’s presentation is amazing. The format and how clean it looks on the page makes it an easy and fast read, albeit intense.
Predict this one’s going to get picked up quick. Well done. 🙂


David Lambertson
July 15th, 2016 at 6:43 pm

Thanks KP – I appreciate the read and the positive feedback.

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