12 Angry Men – February 14, 1996 First Draft script by Reginald Rose – hosted by: Daily Script – in pdf format
Made for cable television remake of the 1957 classic about twelve jurors quick to condemn a Latino youth on trial for murdering his father before reviewing the evidence. Juror #8 holds out with a verdict of not guilty, thus setting the stage for arguments and reasons why or why not the boy may be guilty.
Information courtesy of imdb.com
Find this and more scripts over on the Movie Scripts page.
2 Comments so far
July 31st, 2014 at 10:07 am
Thanks guys! But the link does not work and in dailyscript the pdf is nowhere to be found… Can you repost, please? Thanks in advance!
August 4th, 2014 at 3:37 am
Hi again! Thanks for fixing it. You guys rule! SB