Each month Literary Agent, Babz Bitela of Silver Bitela Agency talks soup to nuts about screenwriting.
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In this installment Babz talks about…
- Scams
- Jason Bortz
- Stephen Wells
- Coverage
- Table-Read
- Read-Thru or iScript
- Agency Readers
- You’re the first person to tell me that…
- Q&A the working screenwriter
- Penitent Man
- Brother Mozart
- Long Shadow Woman
- Write the way you talk
- The ish word.
- 17000 days. How to know when to quit.
- Pia Cook
- Bret Martin
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Babz Buzz is produced by Michael Cornetto and released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 license*
Music provided by Incompetech
You can subscribe to Babz Buzz as well as SimplyScripts Radio and the occasional iScript on iTunes
*In English, this podcast can be share with others as long as you mention the site and link back, but you can’t change it in any way or use it commercially.
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