Each month Literary Agent, Babz Bitela of Silver Bitela Agency talks soup to nuts about screenwriting.
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In this installment Babz talks about…
- Christmas Mail
- Screenwriter’s Cheat Book
- Midnight in Paris
- Captain America
- The Pot Thief Who Studied Pythagoras by Mike “Jessie” Orenduff
- It’s On the Grid
- Write what you know
- Top Production Locations
- The Help
- Exposition
- Backstory
- Scrooge
- New Schedule (Quarerly)
Talk about this Babz Buzz podcast on the Discussion Board
Babz Buzz is produced by Michael Cornetto and released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 license*
Music provided by Incompetech
You can subscribe to Babz Buzz as well as SimplyScripts Radio and the occasional iScript on iTunes
*In English, this podcast can be share with others as long as you mention the site and link back, but you can’t change it in any way or use it commercially.
4 Comments so far
January 14th, 2012 at 3:43 pm
BABZ! You’ve just buzzed me for life! Sooo much of your podcast is spot on. And this comes from a grad film school alum with a few low, low, low budget specs sold out of film school (big learning curve on those); crewing on indie features to really know more about what producers and directors want and NEED out of a script, every day on the set.
Currently in meets and greets with 3 different prodcos; shooting a trailer for another feature for some investors as director-writer; and rewriting, rewriting other specs in various genres. I’ve learned more about my work from tough criticism, than I ever have from a pat on the back.
Keep up the pods…will not miss a one. Really loved the discussion on A CHRISTMAS CAROL. You nailed it.
Babz, Agent, Host of Babzbuzz
January 21st, 2012 at 6:21 pm
Oh, my! What a nice thing to say, thanks, Mark11. How did you find the show? If I can assist in some way, time permitting, do let me know. Hit the boards where we discuss and I will hit you back. Keep up the great work. My sincere regards, BABZ
February 22nd, 2012 at 12:50 pm
Hi Babz,
I discovered your podcasts a couple of weeks ago and have gone back to download what I’d missed. I really enjoy your tough yet sincere love for writers , your writing tips and contagious upbeat attitude towards the business.
Thanks for your contribution!
August 2nd, 2012 at 12:03 pm
I am a screenwriter, with extensive experience in Spanish and English scripts, and have participated in international contests, like “Jalisco Guadalajara” and “Hollywoodnetwork”.
I have at this moment two scripts ( c ), both of them written in Spanish and English already finished, and a (c) third one only in Spanish, with the story finished but in formαting process. All of them are registered on USA “Library of Congress”, and in my country´s “International Author`s Rights Office”.
I can devise new and original ideas that may be reflected in drama´s genre about different kind of stories for motion pictures, or television movie of the week, or soap operas.
I have gave some briefs on consignment for two years with exclusivity´s bennefit in exchange as a percentage payment of an eventual sale in Europe.
I am also a senior script coordinator and writer of the European One Minute Film Society, New Media Mobile Content, for Spanish speaking markets.
I look forward to share my projects with specialists, and producers.