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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

More Original Scripts - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page we have thirty original scripts up for your reading pleasure.

Among the fare are:

Cindy’s What’s On The Inside – (Short) – A woman decides to meet her online love interest on a sleezy talk show in order to tell him her secret, but what she doesn’t know is that he has a secret of his own. Loosely based on a couple from another sleezy talk show. 5 pages

James’ Misery Loves Company – (Short, Drama, Noir) – A contract killer’s past demons come to roost when her latest client calls off a hit on an adulterous husband. 16 pages

and Jwent’s Cruel and Unusual – (Short) – The law in big Texas isn’t always black and white. 7 pages

Not your thing? There are more on the Unproduced Scripts page. – Don

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jason Henderson’s Alex Van Helsing: Voice of the Undead is now available – for real this time – - post author Don

Some of you may remember Jason Henderson. He was on SimplyScripts Radio last year. The second in his Alex Van Helsing series comes out today.

Jason is hosting Castle Dracula Podcast tonight at 10:30 pm edt. It is a panel show on vampires, vampire movies, and anything cool in the horror genre. With “Alex Van Helsing” and “Sword of Dracula” author Jason Henderson, “Halloween Man” creator Drew Edwards, “Psy-comm” and “Clockwerx” manga creator Tony Salvaggio, and token female Julia Guzman, attorney.

You can check out more info on Jason Henderson and the Alex Van Helsing series on the Harper Collins website.

Update: Thanks to Darren for joining in as the “audience” You can listen to the podcast here:

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Riddle Book filmed - post author Don

Riddle Book, The by Rock – Short – A young homeless boy finds a magical riddle book, in which the answers to all the riddles he asks comes to life, that will forever change his life…and the lives of others. 12 pages – pdf format

discuss the script

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shelton’s Expiration Date filmed as Cessation - post author Don

Congrats to Mike whose script Expiration Date (12 pages, pdf format) was filmed as Cessation.

Matt’s random hookup is about to make for a very interesting day.

It was filmed by Sopht Pictures. It stars Dennis Haysbert (president David Palmer in “24”) and character actors Samantha Colburn and Ben Shields.

The film is available to DIRECT TV, AT&T UVERSE, AND DISH NETWORK subscribers. It may be available more places, but I’m groggy.

Check out and like the Cessaton Facebook page.

More info:

imdb info
Sopht Pictures production website
Early Draft of script

Discussion Board members can drop a line to Mike on the Discussion Board.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Hate Edwad Cullen filmed as Live Free or Twihard - post author Don

I Hate Edward Cullen (first draft) and Twihard: With a Vengeance (later draft) by Adam – Short, Comedy – After his girlfriend breaks up with him because he isn’t “Edward enough” for her, Jason discovers the Twilight series and takes an instant disliking to it. He meets the perfect girl and she’s surprisingly never heard of Twilight. He needs to make sure it stays that way. 10 pages – pdf format

Read the script and Discuss

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Movie Poet May 2011 contest winners - post author Don announces the winners of the May 2011 short script contest: “Fall Down Laughing” Your script must be a comedy and at some point a character must fall down.

Fit” by Pia Cook ~ First Place
A weight loss competition at a health club goes too far as members fight to win a Honda Fit.

How Do You Spell Hemorrhoids?” by Brian Howell ~ Second Place
A girl with OCD is bombarded by a feuding elderly couple who share a bit too much information.

“Fool On The Hill” by Paul De Vrijer ~ Third Place
An old unloved veteran tells his ridiculous war story to his creative grandchild.

Each month, Movie Poet runs a free online five page screenplay contest. On the first of each month a new contest is announced. During that month, you can enter your script. During the next month, you can read, vote, and comment on all the entries. Finally, during the third month, the results are announced.

Head on over to Movie Poet and give it a go. – Don

Friday, July 1, 2011

Singles Camp by Breanne Mattson – Featured Script of the Month - post author Don

Singles Camp by Breanne Mattson – Featured Script of the Month

Singles Camp by Breanne Mattson

Singles Camp follows the misadventures of Anna Lee Utah, a Kentucky girl who goes to the title place in pursuit of romance. There she encounters wild animals, poachers, illegal loggers and a bizarre cult. It’s a comedy that’s way better than being gagged with a lumberjack sock.

Read the Script 103 pages in pdf format

Status: Available

Breanne MattsonWriter Bio: Breanne Mattson hates bios written in the third person. She thinks they are, as Monty Python’s Graham Chapman would say… silly. That’s why, starting with the next paragraph, she has decided to write her bio in the first person, the way Breanne thinks it rightfully should be.

There. Isn’t this more comfortable?

I started out as a musician performing as a singer/songwriter in Nashville clubs. I segued from there into event coordinating, booking acts for clubs and organizing musical entertainment for everything from festivals to charity events. One day an independent producer approached me about helping him find music for a low budget film, a sort of Walter Mitty style B movie with daydream sequences. I took one look at the script and fell in love with screenwriting.

I’ve written numerous scripts, spanning most every genre. I’ve had one script optioned in Hollywood, originally titled Tormentor. Some of my scripts have been produced independently, such as the feature Immersion or the shorts Cobra Blood Cocktail and the animated Sexual Harassment.

I’m currently working on my directorial debut with the short film Selfless. Shooting has wrapped and the film is currently in post production. I hope one day to produce my script Warning Shot, which was a semifinalist in the BlueCat Fellini Screenplay Competition, for my directorial feature debut.

As for my personal life, I currently reside in Oregon with my husband Michael. I work for KWVT and KSLM television in Salem.

To end as I began, in the third person, Breanne Mattson feels honored and privileged to have her script selected as Script of the Month at Simply Scripts and she hopes you enjoy Singles Camp.

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