Each month Literary Agent, Babz Bitela of Silver Bitela Agency talks soup to nuts about screenwriting.
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In this installment Babz talks about…
- Craig Clyde
- The Chinese General
- Rob Reiner
- Writer’s Digest
- Pigs are Pink
- Surprises
- Queen of the Mist
- Immigrant Immortal
- Documentaries
- The Kid Stays in the Picture
- Bob Evans
- Rosemary’s Baby – 7/24/1967 final draft screenplay
- Go ahead make my day
- “The Thread” (Discussion thread for this episode for Babz Buzz)
- Point Break and Hurt Locker – Point Break screenplay from AwesomeFilm The Hurt Locker screenplay from Hurt Locker Official Site
- Market Ready
- Story Editing
- Full Moon Morning
- Superman – Youtube clip
- Subtext
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Babz Buzz is produced by Michael Cornetto and released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 license*
Music provided by Incompetech
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