Each month Literary Agent, Babz Bitela of Silver Bitela Agency talks soup to nuts about screenwriting. Don’t forget to LIKE BabzBuzz on Facebook
In this installment Babz talks about…
- Crow Recipes
- Narrative Tug vs White space
- Black Swan October 5, 2009 shooting draft script written by Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz, and John J. McLaughlin (hosted by RainDance
- Fast Read
- Open Your Mind – February Featured Unproduced Script of the Month
- FastScreenplay.com
- The Missing Ingredient
- The Hook
- Creative Trajectory
- Page Count
- Uncredited Work
- Sphere of Influence
- What do agents do?
- BabzHeist – Babz challenges you to write a Heist script and submit it to Simply Scripts.
The lower the budget the better. The challenge is open ended. The titles of all entries must be prefixed with the word BabzHeist. - Onthevergitis: (un-thuh-verg-eye-tus) Noun – the condition which can occur when writers live and die by the sale of a particular script. This condition has been known to create at least anxiety, and in some cases extreme inertia, paranoia, envy, jealousy and inactivity. Suggested treatments: socializing, networking, attending events and classes, helping others, writing more, conducting or participating in table reads, acting classes, directing class audits and most importantly living a balanced life, to name a few.
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Babz Buzz is produced by Michael Cornetto and released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 license*
Music provided by Incompetech
You can subscribe to Babz Buzz as well as SimplyScripts Radio and the occasional iScript on iTunes
*In English, this podcast can be share with others as long as you mention the site and link back, but you can’t change it in any way or use it commercially.
1 Comments so far
RL Clark
March 18th, 2011 at 11:43 pm
Love Babz!
Listen to the podcast all the time…I’m a writer who learns everyday. On the verge…writing narritive tug!
She is the best!!!!