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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Lost Boys: The Beginning script - post author Don

The Lost Boys - Image from joblo.comThanks to Splatter Boy for the heads up on the script The Lost Boys: The Beginning.

Joblo’s Arrow in the Head snagged a script exclusive. The undated, unspecified draft (first draft, maybe) was written by Eric Red based on a story by Eric Red and Joel Schumacher. Joel Schumacher was the director of the original The Lost Boys.

According to Arrow, the script is set in San Francisco at the turn of the century and followed a vampire that hooks up with the five kids who were to become The Lost Boys.

Skip on over to Arrow in the Head and read the writeup of the script and the script (pdf format). – Don

1 Comments so far


January 31st, 2015 at 1:59 pm

My story is wierd enough compared with the final screenplay. Each story has different perspective events. Full conversation is chromatically condenced in short expression, so a background is reached about place and time. The entire story was entered line-by-line, but was re-written by governing trait.
Nights are mashed together. Origional series events rewind, for alternate events (traits). Entire conversations are lost influence reported on news wire. Players (and audience) are decieved by governing trait of an elder vampire. Players who reach elder status represent an entire troup of players. They are considered under the governing trait.

I wrote the hyku, A series because, it counts, As poetry trait. (not reprogramable)

Sam dosent follow, the master dominate fails.

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