There are 44 new or revised unproduced works up on the Unproduced Scripts page. Also, I neglected to point out a couple weeks ago an additional 30 new works up which can be found on the Previous Weeks Unproduced Scripts page.
On the Unproduced Scripts page we have Frank’s Sho Jin Bloo Warrior – “A warrior’s odyssey through prehistory Japan”, which is a series of twelve, five minute animated shorts.
On the Previous Weeks Unproduced Scripts page we have another episode of season 2 of Wesley’s Better Days series. In this episode Kenny has gone back to Therapy. Jason starts hanging out with an unlikely friend while Danielle and Holly get closer.
That not enough to hold you? There is a grand total of 70 unproduced scripts between the two pages that I’m sure you’ll find something of interest.
Tick, Tock – There are a little over 48 hours left to get your script in for the One Week Challenge. Just knock out a 15 page or less dramatic script on the theme “The guys at the post office are never gonna believe this” and send it in by 11:58 pm edt on Friday, July 25th. – Don
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