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Friday, January 11, 2008

Writers Guild of America screenwriting nominated scripts - post author Don

wga imageThe Writers Guild of American writing nominations are out. Winners will be announced on February 9, 2008. below are the listings for Original and Adapted screenplay, tho you can see the full nomination list here.

Adapted Screenplay

No Country for Old Men by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen (based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy)(undated, unspecified (probably shooting) draft script pdf format hosted by Miramax Films)

There Will Be Blood by Paul Thomas Anderson (based on “Oil!” by Upton Sinclair) (July 25, 2006 final shooting script pdf format hosted by Vantage Guilds 2007)

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Le Scaphandre et le papillon) by Ronald Harwood (based on the novel by Jean-Dominique Bauby ) (undated, unspecified (probably shooting) draft script pdf format hosted by Miramax Films)

Into The Wild by Sean Penn (from the book Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer) (undated, unspecified draft script pdf format hosted by Vantage Guilds 2007)

Zodiac (Chronicles) by James Vanderbilt (based on the books “Zodiac” and “Zodiac Unmasked” by Robert Graysmith) (July 5, 2006 final shooting script zip/pdf format hosted by Paramount)

Original Screenplay

Juno by Diablo Cody (February 6, 2007 revised pink draft script pdf format hosted by Fox Searchlight)

Michael Clayton by Tony Gilroy (February 11, 2006 Final Shooting Draft script zip/pdf format hosted by Warner Bros)

The Savages by Tamara Jenkins (April 10, 2006 pink revised script pdf format hosted by Fox Searchlight)

Knocked Up by Judd Apatow (undated, unspecified draft script pdf format hosted by Universal Pictures)

Lars and the Real Girl by Nancy Oliver

With the exception of Lars and the Real Girl all the WGA nominated screenplays are already available online. Again, if anyone has a link to any nominated script online that I don’t have, please let me know.

And to the “Thanks! I lost my postcard” guys and gals. You are welcome. Glad you find the site of use.

3 Comments so far


January 11th, 2008 at 10:28 am

The original list is the adapted list and vice versa.


Murder unscripted - und Kleinkram: Wallander, James Lee Burke, WGA-Nominierungen, Resolution und Infos zum Jugendstrafrecht « Kriminalakte
January 13th, 2008 at 10:25 pm

[…] Guild of America (WGA) hat ihre Nominierungen f?r die besten Drehb?cher bekannt gegeben. Bei Simply Scripts gibt es, bis auf eine Ausnahme, direkte Verlinkungen zu den […]


Andy Pederson
January 25th, 2009 at 9:58 am

Does anyone know where I can read “Lars and the Real Girl”?

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