Better Days Episode 05.5 ‘ The Intruder’
by Robert G. Newcomer
based on the Series by Steven Cameron
What would happen if Jason, Barbara and Kenny and Danielle were taken hostage in the basement by a madman in a Powerpuff Girls mask?
Short Series – Comedy
Rated R (for language)
Read the script (22 pages – rtf format). Discuss the script. Listen to the script:
{note: This audio recording is released under a Creative Commons, attribution, noncommercial, no derivatives 3.0 license. You can share the audio recording in its entirety, but you can’t change it or sell it. }
3 Comments so far
December 24th, 2007 at 3:11 pm
Merry Christmas Bert.
Hope people like it. I know I did.
December 24th, 2007 at 7:50 pm
Yes! My best Chritmas gift so far!
Big thanks to Don, Pia, and Wesley. All of you guys are tops!
And don’t forget — everytime you download the file, an angel gets its wings…
January 17th, 2008 at 10:40 am
Don’t you sometimes wish people would click the discuss the script link and discover the amount of episodes that are available? I do. Even if they left a comment… that many downloads and not one comments?