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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Once Upon A Time In America script and The Breakfast Club script - post author Don

Thanks to Vern and Daily Script read these two undated scripts to Once Upon A Time In America and The Breakfast Club. These would be found (say it together with me) on the Movie Scripts page. – Don

Monday, May 28, 2007

Sgt. Rock script you won’t see on the big screen - post author Don

Big thanks to Donovan (formerly of FMA – the greatest screenplay site on the ‘net which, sadly, no longer exists) and Daily Script, read this first draft of David Webb Peoples’ (based on the comic book character created by Bob Kanigher) take on Sgt. Rock. Please note, this isn’t the John Cox version. This is the David Webb Peoples’ version before Steven De Souza, Jeffrey Boam, and Brian Helgeland came in for rewrites. The script was tanked and John Cox was brought in to write the script from the ground up. Get more info at Wikipedia on the adventures of the screenplay.

On this Memorial Day, in memory of Private Edw’d O. H. Boose, Battery E, 1st Light Artillery Pennsylvania Volunteers.

Unproduced scripts, The City on the Edge of Forever treatment - post author Don

On the unproduced scripts page we have thirty seven scripts up for your reading pleasure. On the movie scripts page we have, thanks to the script to a new indie movie about professional wrestling – Kayfabe. Lastly, thanks to Christopher and Orion Press for these two treatments by Harlan Ellison for Star Trek: City on the Edge of Forever. That would be on the TV scripts page. – Don

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Congratulations Martin - post author Don

Shout out to Martin. His script Anniversary (rtf format) was filmed by Randy Slavin and the film based on Martin’s script Anniversary is a semi-finalist in Fox’s ‘On The Lot’ reality show. You can see the film here.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

More unproduced scripts - post author Don

Fifteen more unproduced scripts up in addition to the thirteen up from yesterday. You do know, if you missed the scripts from last week, you can read them here. The week before that can be read here. Basically, at the bottom of the Unproduced Scripts page is a link to the previous weeks scripts. In theory, you could go back in time four years to see what was posted for the week.

You might find The Suburban Screenwriter’s blog of interest. He writes screenplays and has a a paranoid cat named Spook. – Don

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Unproduced Scripts - post author Don

On the Unproduced Scripts page we have thirteen more original scripts up. – Don

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Disturbia and Next scripts - post author Don

Thanks to JBM and nazardo for the heads up on these courtesy of “not me” and Daily script. Motor over to the movie scripts page to read the March, 2006 draft of Christopher Landon’s Disturbia (a hipper version of “Rear Window”) and Gary Goldman’s Next (based on ‘The Golden Man’ by Philip K. Dick).

Apologies to all you screenwriters on the ‘net who have submitted scripts this month. I’m behind on getting them up. I hope to catch up this weekend (pray for rain, otherwise I’ll be out mucking about in the garden).

You all know that, in addition to reading scripts, I’m a big fan of short speculative fiction. I’ve mentioned Escape Pod which podcasts science fiction and fantsy short fiction (btw, Escape Pod is broadcasting, for the next month or so, all the 2007 Hugo nominated short stories) and Variant Frequencies which podcats science fiction, fantasy, horror and ‘odd bands in between’.
To round out the trifeca, check out Well Told Tales which podcasts science fiction, horror and hard boiled short fiction. (listen to Hand of God wherein a young scientist, determined to win the affection and respect of her distant father, breaks the space-time continuum to fix the worst blown call in sports history.) – Don

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Secrets revealed, unproduced scripts, The Lookout and Letters from Iwo Jima - post author Don

Finally, the writers of the One Week Exercise are revealed.

On the Unproduced Scripts page there are 15 new or revised scripts up.

Lastly, thanks to anonymous and daily script you can read The Lookout and Letters from Iwo Jima. Those would be on the Movie Script page. – Don

Friday, May 4, 2007

Little Children Script, Cross of Iron Script and a bunch of original scripts - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page we have over thirty original scripts up. I cleared a huge backlog of scripts received over the past month.

As mentioned, we had a pretty good response to the April One Week Exercise. Soon I’ll be revealing who really wrote what.

On the Movie Scripts page we have two thanks to Daily Script. Read the academy award nominated Little Children and the Peckinpah Cross of Iron. – Don

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