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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

World Trade Center script – partial - post author Don

Thanks to The Smoking Gun you can read a few pages from Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center. How? Chris Moukarbel, 28-year-old artist, made a 12 minute film with student actors adapted from an early draft of Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center. Needless to say Paramount sued and the twelve minute film was removed from the artist web site. Pages of the script and a side-by-side comparison can be found on the movie scripts page. – Don

1 Comments so far


July 18th, 2006 at 3:43 pm

I just saw a commercial for this movie. I guess Paramount doesn’t care about the fact that people are still devastated about what happened on 9/11. I saw one of the planes rip through the sky and the towers fall. My best friend was murdered and I knew many people who were killed. I walked through manhattan that day and the days following looking for my friend who I would never see again. The images will never leave my head and they still tear me apart and drive me to tears. I not only have no desire to watch this movie but I’m downright pissed off that I have to be subjected to commercials for it. I hope Mr. Stone never knows the pain people feel because of his movie. I hope Paramount goes bankrupt and I hope that all the hate mongering, violent Muslum fanatics burn in hell where they belong.

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