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May 31, 2004 - Thanks to M and The Great American Screenplay for this script Story of G. I. Joe.

May 30, 2004 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have two by Jeff - Christmasland and Conversations. We have two new episodes of In Waiting, as well as Dan's revised Awakening. Andy gives us his take on a Goonies sequel. Cary brings out his Western Zombie script Coffin Canyon. We have two shorts from Aram with Were All Family and W.S.T.N.B.. Casey has his Horror script Dark Secret and we have another episode of Chris & Sunday.

May 28, 2004 - More from the folks at Check out some new treatements and outlines on the Treatments page. On the TV Scripts page we have an unproduced teleplay for Actual Innocence.

There are three new reviews of some old movies on the Reviews page.

May 27, 2004 - Thanks to folks at for this new script on the 'net. Read Christopher & Kathleen Riley's script to the multiple award winning film After the Truth (Nichts als die Wahrheit). Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

May 26, 2004 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have an interesting drama The Litvak Connecion, several horror pieces with Hell War, School of the Dead, Metal Mouth, Seven O Six, Cannibal Holocaust and Halloween 10: Michael X. We also have GenMadine's take on Star Wars VII and Thomas' short The Changing Elephant

Henrik is pleased to announce the latest issue of Voice Over is now available for all to read. Included along with Henrik's usual and readable intro/editoral are:

An Interview with Mike C
8 Simple Rules
An Interview with R. E. Freak
Reviews of The 2004 Walter Awards and Green River

May 25, 2004 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have I, The Rotting (yes, Horror) and Paul's Jewboy (one and two) and his take on Batman. Brian has his first script on the 'net with Shooting Stars in the Sky. And, Freak has actually gotton off a revision to Journey.

By the way, Matthew Liddell (who wrote a script that is on the site, Balance of Souls) has another book out Graverunners. This is his second book after his debut novel A Few Scattered Souls

May 20, 2004 - M strikes again with the heads up on another Bergman film Smultronstället (Wild Strawberries) with help from Films with Anatoly (The only other Bergman film on the 'net is The Seventh Seal). M educates us with, "Looks like the text came straight from the classic book, Four Screenplays by Ingmar Bergman (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1960). Bergman chose an unusual style for this screenplay: the descriptive parts, which are usually written in the third person, are instead told in first person by the film's protagonist."

Please check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

May 19, 2004 - There is a chemical spill in The Rise of Death, teens, camping, someone watching in Just before Dawn and two more episodes of Chris & Sunday. Check them out.

May 18, 2004 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have A Murderous Nature a Drama by Matthieu, Apocalypse a horror script by Tanner, Promise, Texas a drama by Jason and the second Slayer script by James. Also, We round out the The Lunchroom with the final two episodes (for this season).

May 17, 2004 - Thanks to Fripp 75 and help from VidChick 25 we can all enjoy a September 2, 2002 draft of Sophia Coppola's Oscar winning script Lost in Translation. Check it out on the Movie Script page.

May 16, 2004 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have eighteen scripts for your reading pleasure. We have several updates and revisions up as well as some new work like Andrey's piece Workingman Blues, Darnell's work Sinner's Path, James' Pull it out, Margaret's drama The Junkyard and Brett's horror script Midnight. And as always, you can discuss them on the Discussion Board.

Also, the Script and Link of the Day has been freshened up.

May 15, 2004 - Here is something folks have been wanting to read for a while. Thanks to AllMovieScripts we can read a fourth draft of Guy Richie's Snatch. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

May 14, 2004 - We have a new addition to the TV Scripts and Transcripts page. Thanks to Russell for the heads up on a bunch of scripts (not transcripts - scripts) for Wonderfalls. Russell notes, "The late lamented "Wonderfalls" is the latest example of the FOX network commissioning innovative television and then killing it. But you can read the (brilliant) shooting scripts of the unaired episodes here [at Wonderfalls Resources for Fans]."

May 13, 2004 - Thanks to The Daily Script you can read another script of The Twilight Zone. Check it out on the TV Scripts page.

And, thanks to David for the heads up on the third draft of Diamond Dead. Check that out on the Movie Scripts page.

May 12, 2004 - Thanks to Jean we can read a March 22, 1999 draft of Shadow of the Vampire. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

May 11, 2004 - Thanks to M for the heads up on five radio transcripts from Suspense, Quiet, Please and Lights Out. Check them out on the Radio Scripts and Transcripts page.

May 6, 2004 - On the Movie Scripts page, thanks to Lesley we can all read the excellent script to American Splendor.

On the Unproduced Scripts page. There are twenty new scripts for your reading pleasure.

Check out CrankBox. Turn on your speakers and listen to some raw cuts from their latest album.

What was new, but now isn't. Check out the previous month's updates


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