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January 31, 2006 - Well, the 2005 Academy Award Nominated Films were announced today. Slim pickings on reading them online. So far, there are a couple of closed captioned scripts of Crash and The Constant Gardener thanks to Awesome Movie Scripts. There is the script to Syriana thanks to the The Syriana Website. That is about it, so far. I'm sure more will crop up on the 'net soon, tho. In the mean time, you can occupy yourself read Best Screenplays from years past on the Oscar Winners Through the Ages page.

January 28, 2006 - The writers are revealed! Check out who wrote what in the One Week Writing Exercise Thing.

On the Unproduced Scripts page we have twenty three new and revised scripts up for your reading pleasure.

Lastly, thanks to Ken and Daily Script you can this November 1985 revised draft of The Big Easy. Laissez le bon temps roule on the Movie Scripts page.

January 27, 2006 - Thanks to Jaromir for the heads up on this interesting script from The Indy Experience. For you Indiana Jones fans, you can read a reported rejected draft of the Indiana Jones IV movie, Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men from Mars. Check it out on the Movies Scripts page.

January 26, 2006 - Thanks to The Daily Script you can read this 2001 shooting draft of Antitrust. It is on the Movie Scripts page.

January 23, 2006 - Everyone is still working their way through the scripts for the One Week Writing Exercise. I'm thrilled at the number and quality of scripts submitted.

On the TV Scripts page you can read the teleplay to The Magic Shop from The Alfred Hitchcock Hour. Thanks to Jason and The Daily Script.

In other news, the 2006 Bloggies have arrived. Get over their quick and get your vote in. The voting closes at 10:00 PM EST on Sunday, January 31. I've submitted an offer to award a prize for Best Podcast of a Weblog. Not sure if they will accept my offer or not. I'm a big fan of podcasts. I have more podcasts on my iPod than music. This week I am enamoured of Escape Pod The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine. So, if you enjoy listening to Science and Speculative Fiction or Sci-Fi reviews or are a Sci-Fi writer with a short story, do check them out.

January 22, 2006 - Read them here - read the scripts for the One Week Writing Exercise - The genre: Western. The theme: visiting the general store.

January 21, 2006 - The One Week Writing Thing deadline for submissions is over. I am in the process of processing the entries. I hope to have them up tomorrow. In the mean time, read one or two of sixteen unproduced scripts just posted on the Unproduced Scripts page.

January 20, 2006 - Thanks to The Movie Page and read the unproduced J.F. Lawton / Howard Stern script Fartman. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

Entries due for the One Week Writing Thing tonight at midnight.

January 19, 2006 - Friday, January 20 at 11:59 pm, entries for the One Week Writing Thing are due!

Thanks to The Hellbound Web (The best Hellraiser website I've seen) you can read two separate drafts of Hellraiser: Hellseeker. These you would find on the Movie Scripts page.

January 16, 2006 Working on your entry for the One Week Writing Thing?

Written By has posted three scripts. Deborah Amelon's Katie's Choice, Pablo Fenjves' The Last Bachelor and Mark Jordan Legan & Mark F. Wilding's The Cell. Check them out on the Movie Scripts page.

January 15, 2006 - Folks are busily writing for the One Week Writing Thing.

On the Unproduced Scripts page, there are twenty-two scripts up for your reading pleasure.

Thanks to Jason and Daily Script you can read the script to Only Angels Have Wings. Check that out on the Movie Scripts page.

January 13, 2006 - The One Week Challenge Begins.

Phil writes, "The one week challenge/exercise/contest/game originated hundreds of years ago in Northern Europe. Men gathered around small fires at night for warmth. To keep their minds off of the wild animals lurking in the darkness, they would each tell stories. To test their story-telling skills, one member of the circle would decide on the type of story and the rest must follow. Unfortunately, while they told these stories, a pack of wolves came out and devoured these men….

The rules to this exercise/game/competition are simple. At the bottom of this message you will find a genre and theme. You must write a short script based on said genre and theme. The script should not be any longer than fifteen pages.

The script must be submitted to simplyscripts by Friday at 12:00 midnight est. Don will post all the scripts at his earliest possible convenience, without posting anyone's names. After a week, the writers' names will be posted.

There is no prize. There is no voting for best scripts. We just read and comment on them like we would any other script.

There is no gambling!

The Genre: Western and Theme: Visiting the general store."

Talk about it on the Discussion Board. Submit your script for this here.

January 12, 2006 - Thanks to Kevan and The Daily Script you can read the Greta Garbo classic Ninotchka and the 1998 film Croupier that starred Clive Owen. You can check them out on the Movie Script page.

And, tomorrow the topic for The one week challenge/excercise/thing... will be announced. Do you think you can write a good short script in one week? Check back tomorrow.

January 10, 2006 - Thanks to Kevan and Daily Script read the controversial script The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp. Winston Churchill tried to have it banned for its sympathetic portrayal of a German officer in 1943. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

January 9, 2006 - Thanks to Jason and Daily Script we can read Hitchcock's Saboteur. It's on the Movie Scripts page.

January 7, 2006 - Quick update. Seven days until the release of the topic for the "One Week Writing Exercise".

Thanks to "Lair" and the Horror Lair you can read the revised draft of the Paul Verhoeven directed Hollow Man. Check it out on the Movie Scripts Page.

January 5, 2006 - On the Unproduced Scripts page there are fifteen scripts up.

For those of you in the US, Battlestar Galactica comes back January 6th at 10:00 est on the Sci Fi Channel

And, on Friday the 13th, SimplyScripts will announce the topic for the third sporatic Screenwriting exercise. Get into a cat-like state of readiness to write a fifteen page script.

January 4, 2006 - Wow! Great Scripts nearly everyday this year. From Syriana to Equilibrium to I, Robot. Continuing with this Sci Fi-ish theme we have Pluto's Plight. Thanks to Artie Knapp (writer, producer and director) and SciFi Scripts. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

January 3, 2006 - Thanks to JenGe of, hands down, the best Equilibrium website on the 'net, we can read the July 12, 2000 shooting draft of Equilibrium on the Movie Scripts page.

Thanks to "Storyteller" and The Hatch we can read five scripts (not transcripts) of season one of Lost. You can read 'em on the TV Scripts and Transcripts page (on which, by the way, I've cleaned up the dead links.

On the Unproduced Scripts page I've posted fifteen more original scripts. Over the last three days I've put up over 45 original scripts. Some great stuff in there. Enjoy.

January 2, 2006 - Thanks to J.B.M. and Daily Script we can read Hillary "Insomnia" Seitz version of I, Robot. Hillary Seitz is credited with having rewrote Jeff Vintar's original version of the script. Akiva Goldsman was later hired for additional rewrites to the project. For more information on this draft, check out Larson Hill's script review on Screenwriter's Voice. Check out the script on the Movie Scripts page.

On the Unproduced Scripts we have twenty more original scripts up. Now, I'm only five days behind. I'm off to do some reading.

January 1, 2006 - Happy New Year! As most of you realize, I'm woefully behind in updating the unproduced scripts. I had entirely too much fun over my Christmas week and with the exception of a couple of brief updates, I haven't done any work on the site. So, here is a token, good faith update (with more to come tomorrow). We have thirteen new and revised Unproduced scripts up for your reading pleasure. More to come tomorrow!

What was new, but now isn't. Check out the previous month's updates


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