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    Short Writing Exercise July, 2006 - A Showcase for Original Scripts on the Net! See new additions below or pick your genre on the left. Please Note: If you wish to contact any of the writers, please change the (a) to an @. This was put into place to keep dopey spammers from harvesting e-mail addresses from the site. If you'd like to see your screenplay showcased here, just Submit Your Script

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Entries for the "One Week Screenwriting Exercise - July 2006".

Write a short screenplay of up to 15 pages, due August 1, 2006 11:59 pm. The genre is drama. The topic, "At the end of a family bar-be-que"

Barbie on the Barbie by Mike Shelton

(Short, Drama) - Hearts are broken and worlds collide when little Tabitha's Barbie doll is viciously roasted on her father's new barbecue grill.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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After the Barbeque by dn061903

(Short, Drama) - After a family barbecue, a woman's dark secret is revealed.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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In a Hick Town by Greg B.

(Short, Drama, Comedy) - Business bum Peter Morris is about to have the ride of his life when visiting his ham hugging hillbilly family in Rockland, Nebraska for a barbeque. The perfect story for people who drink milk past its expiration date.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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At the end of a family barbecue by Helio J Cordeiro

(Short, Drama) - To be or not to be eaten that's the question.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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Hell and Consequences by Zavier Alvarez (nixon)

(Short, Drama) - Tragedy and heartbreak. Death and vengeance. Hell and consequences.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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Drop Dead by Kenney Ponsaert

(Short, Drama) - A man, Michael, is tired of the family barbecue so he hides in the bathroom together with his cigarettes. Few family members visit him and then they chat about how much of an asshole that the head of the family, also the bbq handler, really is.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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All or Nothing by Jonathan Terry

(Short, Drama) - Geoffrey Pennington, a life-long slacker, must make a tedious decision when he is offered the job position of his esteemed brother. Matters are made more complicated when the life of a loved one hangs in the balance, making the result one that could destroy the family entirely.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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Sunday by Cindy L. Keller

(Short, Drama) - An eleven year old boy participates in an event after a family bar-be-que that makes him realize how much he cares about his pesky little sister.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (rtf - formatting: )

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The Daring Risk of Standing by Mike Carlone (marshallamps123)

(Short, Drama) - Walt Tunit wants to leave the family barbecue, while struggling with himself at the same time.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (html - formatting: )

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A Woman Scorned by George Willson

(Short, Drama) - Jack struggles to understand his sister's methods of exposing her husband's abuse.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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Barbra-Que by Sean Elwood (thedeadwalk2nite)

(Short, Drama) - Three friends mourn over a loved one during a work business bar-be-que.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (rtf - formatting: )

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The Other Woman by Jordan Wiebe (theboywhocouldfly)

(Short, Drama) - A young man who just returned from Iraq made a choice that will change not only his life, but those close to him forever.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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Simply BBQ by Robert Glenn Newcomer

(Short, Drama) - The SimplyScripts family gathers for a dramatic barbeque that ends...poorly.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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An Astonishingly Meaningful Tale about Relations and Other Astonishing Stuff by J A Parker (GravyBoatMan)

(Short, Drama) - After a barbeque hasn't been as successful as the family wants, things take a turn for the worst but end up being something they all truly needed.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (rtf - formatting: )

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When It's Over by George Willson

(Short, Drama) - Bob celebrates his birthday with family.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (pdf - formatting: )

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A Sight For Sore Eyes by Jack Archer Lana

(Short, Drama) - It has been a while since Joseph Gardendale has ever came home. But when he gets a flyer for a family reunion, he takes his soon-to-become wife to the party. Shortly after Joseph now knows why he has not been back since.

A July, 2006 One Week Writing Challenge Entry (doc - formatting: )

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