Rainstorm by
Chris Nand (Drama) - A heartbreaking story of inter-racial childhood sweethearts Krishna and Susan whose upbringing in a Catholic orphanage in Fiji sets them on divergent paths that will tear them apart. The screenplay has been adapted from my book: RETURNED TO DEVIL'S ISLAND. 105 pages (pdf - formatting:
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School Spent Youth by
Simon K. Parker (Drama, Teen, High School, One Location) - In their final year at a broken down high school, where the teachers have given up and no rules are in place a group of friends try and work out what they're going to do once school is finished. All very different from each other, the leader, Ben has been picked through a game of who can climb a scaffold tower that has been left on the school's rooftop the highest, and at this it is Ben who always wins. As the friends begin to plan their lives outside of school they'll all drift a part. And when Ben will falls in love with a newly arrived beautiful girl it will trigger an uneasy alliance between Ben's best friend Jonathan and the schools drug dealing bully Keith, forcing Ben and Jonathan into a violent conflict that will end in a challenge to finally find out once and for all who's the bravest and who should be the leader of this terrible school. 103 pages (pdf - formatting:
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Plain Jane by
Megan Thompson (urgone4ever011) (Horror) - October 31, 2010 has left Jane Benson emotionally (and physically) scarred. Her friends have grown to hate her, taking turns harassing her and beating her down, making her feel like an insect. But little do they know, Jane will leave a legacy. She will taunt, torture and murder each and every one of them until she is redeemed. High School is Hell. 99 pages (pdf - formatting:
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Last Weeks Scripts