The Cosmic by
Pete Barry (Action, Adventure) - A superhero, left insane from a cataclysmic battle, discovers himself relegated to an asylum with the very villains he once fought. Now he must stop the inmates from unleashing an alien horror upon the world – while his sense of reality continues to crumble. 119 pages (pdf - formatting:
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College Debauchery by
Rob Anderson hosted by
Ink Tip(Comedy) - Craving the respect of his wise-cracking son, a tactless, underachieving father recounts a kinky, twisted tale from his rebellious college days. COLLEGE DEBAUCHERY is a tale of sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, hookers, fire trucks, kilt-wearing midgets, power tools...and fraternal pride. 114 pages (pdf - formatting:
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The Naughty List by
Mitchell Kirk (Comedy) - A lawyer is forced to rat out his employer who is wanted all over the globe for a slew of high profile crimes. The cops who turned him become concerned however after he tells them his boss lives on an iceberg in the Arctic Circle and used to be a renowned philanthropist. 113 pages (pdf - formatting:
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Outreach by
Chris Silver (Series, Comedy) - After the death of his reverend father, a slacker turned activist attempts to start a volunteer group at his community college with the help of an ambiguously flirtatious rival, a too street-wise jailbird, psychotically joyful mental patient, a dogmatically religious bigoted closeted homophobic homosexual, a clingy chauvinistic wannabe frat guy mama's boy, a bodybuilding truculent nerd/geek, an oddball under the delusion that he's a Martian and his pretentious sophisticatedly crass cousin. 19 pages (pdf - formatting:
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Last Weeks Scripts