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    The Stranger Things scripts. Welcome fans of Stranger Things. Big thanks to Earl for graciously allowing me to host the scripts to the phenominal show Stranger Things
Stranger Things - Episode 05: Disconnect - April 24, 2009 draft 3.1 script by Earl Newton (Story by Earl Newton and J. C. Hutchins) - from - in pdf format

When their prize reality star goes missing, a monolithic network enlists the aid of the entire world to find him..

First watch the episode, then read the script (annotated by screenwriter and director Earl Newton.

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Stranger Things - Episode 04: Latchkeepers - script- from:

Among the locksmiths of time and space, Kalypto is a third-rate immortal. He spends his eternity filing the Universe's garbage, until a psychopathic client makes him an offer he can't refuse.

First watch the episode, then read the script (annotated by screenwriter Matt Wallace and Director Earl Newton).

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Stranger Things - Episode 03: One Of Those Faces - script- from:

A woman with a strange gift is forced to choose between losing that gift and the life of her nephew.

First watch the episode, then read the script.

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Stranger Things - Episode 02B: Sins of the Mother - script- from:

After an unsuspecting patient fails a background check, a second-year intern is directed to abort her child without her knowledge.

First watch the episode, then read the script.

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Stranger Things - Episode 02A: Discontent - script- from:

To appease his shrewish wife, Carl sets out to clone his dead mother-in-law.

First watch the episode, then read the script.

Information courtesy of
Stranger Things - Episode 01: Sacred Cow - script- from:

Two priests uncover the horrifying truth about the nature of prayers.

First watch the episode, then read the script.

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