This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
ZIP ACROSS AMERICA SCREENPLAY BY RAYMOND VACA JR. Story By RAYMOND VACA JR. Copyright @2003 by Raymond Vaca Jr. WGAw # 907646 ZIP ACROSS AMERICA STORY BY RAYMOND VACA JR. SCREENPLAY BY RAYMOND VACA JR. SCRIPT SYPNOSIS A group of teenagers from different social-economic, cultures and races come together through their school job service where they all are assigned jobs with ZIP, ZONE INTERSTATE PARCELS, a company that ships parcels across America. While at ZIP they overcome their differences and form as a unit once they investigate and decide to save AMERICA from sabotage including bubbles in malls, faulty sprinklers disrupting youth sports, and other hi-jinks against amusement parks, water parks and a new meaning to "runs" at baseball stadiums across AMERICA. ZIP unwittingly is used as an instrument of choice to achieve the misdeeds of a band of disgruntled Central American undocumented people who desire to become Americans While not anti-American, this band of people want more than anything to become sworn nationalized Americans. When governmental red tape prevents them, they decide that no one should get to enjoy or take America for granted. Almost every state in the union is named or subject to having their American way of life interrupted While on the way to becoming national heroes, the teenagers solidify a brother/sister relationship, see an unexpected romance develop, help one find his way in life, and see one come to understand and commit to the redevelopment of the inner city. All finding that they are proud to be an AMERICAN. FADE IN 1 INT - INS OFFICE -LOS ANGELES - MORNING 1 As the pledge of allegiance is recited in an office of the Immigration and Nationalization Service a small gathering of people stand with their right hands in the air. The diversity of the group is noted as they are made up of different national origins and wearing clothing of their region. An over-flowed audience of proud and smiling relatives and friends stand along the walls and behind those sitting. A television news crew is taping the ceremony 2 EXT -ZIP FLAGPOLE - PARKING LOT - L.A. - MORNING 2 As the Pledge continues a huge American flag is being raised in the front parking area of ZIP'S. Vehicles with the ZIP logo exit the loading area to make deliveries. As the drivers approach the flagpole they stop their vehicles, exit and stand at attention for the rising flag. 3 EXT - STREET AT FLAG POLE SITE - MORNING 3 A motorcycle officer drives slowly towards the flagpole. Officer pauses to watch the raising of the flag. The reflection of the flag bounces off of his sunglasses. He salutes as the flag reaches the proper setting. 2A EXT - FLAP POLE SITE - PARKING LOT - MORNING 2A A fire truck races approaches the flag pole with its emergency equipment on. As the firefighters reach the swaying flag their faces beam with intensity. The motorcycle officer waves to the firefighters who reciprocate his acknowledgement 1A INT - INS OFFICE -LOS ANGELES - MORNING 1A The pledge of allegiance continues as MARIA, 22 years old, from a South American country, stands with her right hand up. The television crew focuses on MARIA with a close up. An elderly relative has her hands to her face beaming with pride. 4 INT - SCHOOL CLASSROOM - MORNING 4 The pledge continues as a first grade teacher is facing the American flag. Her students have their little right hand over their heart. The teacher is leading her students as they near the end of the pledge. 3A EXT - STREET AT FLAG POLE SITE - MORNING 3A As the flag waves proudly at its peak drivers reenter their vehicles and move towards the street. Three children, first grade girls and a third grade boy are late for school. They skip past the motorcycle officer. The children wave their hands at the officer. The officer gives a thumb up to the children. Smiles brighten the faces of the children. 2 1B INS OFFICE LOS ANGELES - MORNING 1B Close up of MARIA as the recital of the pledge of allegiance ends. The host at the front of the room walks to a podium to speak. HOST Families, friends and neighbors please help me welcome the newest citizens of these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! The crowd cheers, claps and yells with excitement. Newly sworn in American citizens and observers wipe tears of joy from their eyes. 3B EXT - STREET AT FLAG POLE SITE - MORNING 3B The three children reach the crosswalk with the flag in the background. The school crossing guard motions for them to wait. A second fire truck approaches the flagpole site. The children stand at the corner and give the firefighters a thumb's up as the fire truck passes. The fire fighters smile at the children whom nod their approval. The school crossing guard with her stop sign enters the road to stop traffic. The children enter the crosswalk as the motorcycle officer makes a U-turn to follow the fire truck. The motorcycle emergency lights are flashing. 5 INT - TRAILER HOME - MORNING 5 Inside a small trailer home dirty dishes are piled high in the sink. Clothing is scattered throughout the trailer. A white woman, mid-forties, lays hung over on a sofa half-asleep. Her cigarette ashes mount. A fan nearby blows her hair further in disarray. RANDY, 18, a bit overweight hair wet from the shower, walks from his bedroom into the living room. He sneaks a peek at a clock as he walks to his mother. He takes the cigarette from his mother smashing the piled ashes out in an ashtray loaded with numerous cigarette butts. RANDY Mother you were supposed to wake me up. You were suppose to get the car repaired Now, I have to take the bus to my new job RANDY grabs a nearby cereal box shaking its nearly empty contents. He takes a hand full of it and puts it into a pocket. His mother rubs her eyes with a hand and feels around for her cigarette with the other. RANDY If I complete my training and do good maybe I can get a real job there. For now, it's just for the summer. Maybe I can help pay for your meds and if I save enough maybe we can take a little vacation, just you and me. 3 She leans forward on the sofa as she fumbles to remove another cigarette from an almost empty package. She finally pulls one out successfully and begins to light it with shaky hands. RANDY'S MOTHER Yeah...Whatever. Pick up more cigarettes. She falls back into a slumber turning her face away from RANDY. Moving to her RANDY leans over and kisses her cheek. Her eyes closed she remains sitting unresponsive. He leans into her ear and whispers. RANDY I love you mother. Someday somehow, We're out of here. I'll make you proud. He moves to the door. He turns to look at her dozed off. He notices a burning cigarette in her hand and takes it. Putting it in an ashtray. He breaks into a slight smile as he eats a handful of cereal. 6 EXT - BUS STOP CENTRAL - MORNING 6 Three black young adults walk together in their central Los Angeles neighborhood. BEN, 18, well groomed with well-cared for hair. KOOLAID and MADDOG, dressed sloppy with pants hanging low on their hips. All three are wearing gang colors. They turn a corner where BEN stops to wait for a bus. BEN This is my stop. Got to take the bus to get me to my new gig. Gotta start making paper with this summer job and flip it for my mama. But now that I've graduated, could lead to good things. MADDOG Hey I 'm doing good without school BEN and KOOLAID glance at each other and start laughing. BEN Good for nothing! DOG, what you doing? Getting minimum wage and no bennies! KOOLAID MADDOG is a fool. No one going to hire him no how anyway. different, but it don't seem right you working. People can be cold in the real world but if you gots to work just don't forget where you come from 4 BEN You know I'm gonna represent They bump fists as his friends depart. BEN becomes impatient so he begins to pace while others waiting sit and ignore him. BEN moves to the roadway to look out for the bus but sees nothing. As BEN moves back to his spot he approaches a black male, mid-20's, well groomed who is passing through the bus stop area. BEN Hey brother, you got the time? The male gives BEN and his gang colors a disgusted look as he glares at him before speaking. MALE YOU... are BROTHER BEN is offended and shifts his position directly in front of the male. BEN FOOL, all I ask is the time and you diss me. Brothers like you we don't need. Choosing to ignore BEN the male maneuvers around him as the male deliberately raises one arm to look at an expensive watch. After a pause, the male slowly puts his arm down without saying a word. BEN gets in the face of the male and points his finger at the man's chest. BEN WHAT! You think you better than me? You better get back with that fake Cartier BEN"S face is intense as he forms his hands into fists. The bus is pulling up to the bus stop as other waiting passengers ready themselves for their ride. Some passengers glance over shoulders to see the dispute as they shuffle to the boarding area. The bus stops and door opens as those waiting hurriedly enter. BEN refrains himself gliding from the male to enter the bus. 7 EXT - CHINATOWN STORE - MORNING 7 KIM LEE, 18, female, Asian American, is working at her father's store in Chinatown. She finishes sweeping the floor and puts the broom away. Father is working on the store's financial records and accounts using Chinese accounting methods. KIM approaches her father's desk. KIM LEE Father, you must allow me to teach you how to use a computer. This is the 21st century. Get with it father. 5 KIM LEE'S FATHER The Chinese method is almost fool proof. Why would I risk a mouse and a virus? KIM LEE'S FATHER But even old China has allowed the western world to enter the mainland. KIM LEE admires her father working the Chinese math device KIM LEE'S FATHER This device is an old trusted friend. You for one, need to find a friend that you can trust and do things with KIM LEE A friend I can always get but a father I only have you. I must leave now for you would not want me to be tardy Her father finally looks up from his books KIM LEE'S FATHER You are getting wise in your years KIM LEE Can you believe I got a job at ZIPS? I hope I get computers and make friends Bending to give him a kiss on the forehead. He touches her shoulder. KIM LEE'S FATHER One can go through life and assume. Jobs and friends will come and depart. Mistakes can be swept with a broom Trust if there is room in your heart. KIM LEE allows the wisdom of her father's words to seek in. She runs to the door, stopping to look at her father working on his books. 8 INT - KITCHEN (TODD) - MORNING 8 Inside a well-kept modernized kitchen a family sits at a table. The news is on the television. TODD, 18, with a clean-cut appearance, reads the wall street journal. His father flips through the sports pages while sipping an orange juice. The mother is at the counter buttering a bagel. TARA, 17, thin, longhaired blond, finishes digesting her piece of toast before looking up at the news. 6 TARA Really, I still don't see what the big fuss is about. These poor people have to learn the pledge of allegiance AND then say it out loud on T.V.... BIG DEAL! Her family stops what they are doing to look at her. TARA shrugs her shoulders. Her mother rolls her eyes in amazement. Father ignores it staying glued to the sports. TODD drops the paper glaring at TARA. TODD Let's see, you're jealous because you started learning the pledge in kindergarten and just now you ALMOST have it down TARA looks disgustedly at TODD as she pushes her food away. TARA Shows how much you know! I knew the pledge by Jr. high TODD returns to the wall street journal as mother at the sink turns her head to look at TARA. TARA Why don't you get a life, find a girlfriend instead of reading that weird paper. TODD gets up from the table and reaches for his car keys. TODD We better get to ZIPS'. I wouldn't want them to miss you while your at your best. TARA jumps from the table as she motions to the maid with her cup. TARA Take this cup o off the mesa and clean o them. Un do lay...gracias DELORES. DELORES retrieves the cup. TARA returns her attention to her brother who makes a face TODD Why bother with Spanish it's not going to amount to anything the way you speak? TARA It can never hurt besides all that extra time on my Spanish... ...It's just oozing out so easily now 7 9 EXT - ZIP PARKING LOT - MORNING 9 A late model car pulls into a parking space at ZIP. The door opens and out steps JENNY. She is 18, beautiful Native American with long straight black hair. JENNY closes the door and starts across the parking lot. She looks up and sees the flag. Drivers and customers of ZIP'S in the parking lot gawk as she walks. JENNY makes her way to the entrance of ZIP 10 INT - ZIP TRAINING ROOM- Los Angeles - MORNING 10 An American flag hangs on a wall in an empty training room. MR FENZEL, 40ish, energetic and full of spirit is dressed in a ZIP uniform. After a brief pause he places forms on his desk. Moving to a wall he straightens the ZIP motto "ZIP ACROSS AMERICA". He casually turns to look at the rows of desks. Going to the television set he turns it on to the morning news and leaves the room. The show is running highlights of the INS swearing in ceremony. 9A EXT - ZIP PARKING LOT - MORNING 9A RAUL, 18, is a Mexican-American from East Los Angeles. He steps out of his friend's low rider. His attire consists of baggy pants hanging at the hips and his shirt has one button over a white sleeveless tee shirt. He makes adjustments to his sunglasses as he stands outside the car checking out the scene. He nods to his friend very slowly. The friend looks to his left and then right before pulling away leaving RAUL alone. 10A INT - TRAINING ROOM - MORNING 10A A group of new employees enter the training room. Some stroll immediately to vacate desks and sit. Others stand as RAUL walks in. A low mummer in the room can be heard. BEN makes sure his hair is groomed adjusting his colors as some of the others watch. BEN Man, I am tired of WAITING My cuz didn't show, bus was late, RANDY raises his hand to interject and to lighten the mood. RANDY Hey we got something in common I was running late for the bus too... ...different reason BEN gives RANDY an are you crazy look. BEN You and me we got nothing in common Not now...Not ever! 8 MR. FENZEL walks briskly into the room. Those who are standing get to a vacate desk. His towering presence is felt as everyone quiets as he makes his way to the front of the room. FENZEL Welcome to your new home. ZIP hopes you have a memorable experience. Before we begin, let's place our desks in a circle so we can learn about each other The group gets off their seats ready for further direction RANDY This should be fun. Kind of like the knights at the round table! BEN Yeah, but they didn't allow girls or for that matter BROTHERS at the table. FENZEL looks at BEN and his clothing. He moves near BEN. FENZEL They didn't wear colors either! You're here to do a summer job. You are not here to look cool FENZEL'S movement closer to BEN is not loss upon the others who are anxiously observing. He looks directly at BEN then at RAUL. FENZEL Each will be assigned to different areas yet remain a group, a TEAM! One thing you will learn here today is that this is an ATTITUDE free work place. FENZEL returns to his desk picking up a roster. Looking at it briefly before he tosses it in the trashcan. He turns to face the group. TARA raises her herself from her desk scanning the group as she speaks. TARA If we are a team then will we be issued uniforms like in the military? FENZEL Since you have mentioned the military Will anyone volunteer to inform us of one of the sayings used in the military? Group looks around for an answer. RAUL shouts out looking at TARA. 9 RAUL Get down and give me ten TARA rumbles through her purse before responding TARA Sorry don't have anything less than a twenty. The group looks at her in disbelief while some giggle or laugh. TARA returns to her desk sitting down sheepishly. FENZEL Anyone else want to give it a try? RANDY bravely raises his hand. RANDY They say only two things come from Texas...Steers and queers... ...And I'm not from Texas. BEN Don't have to be from Texas to be funny. Lots of flakes and fruits in California TARA I just love fruits on my flakes 11 INT - RENTAL HOUSE LIVING ROOM - MORNING - 11 A small gathering of people are watching the news. They cheer as they see their friend MARIA at the INS ceremony. JOSE I She finally becomes an American. It has taken her years to get to this. Yet, we from Central America, only see the INS when they want to rid us of jobs by raiding our work place. JOSE I walks to the television and turns it off. ARMANDO speaks up. ARMANDO That's usually when it's a payday. I am tired of the INS telling us we can not be an American cause of red tape! We work hard in this country. We do the jobs others do not desire. MIGUEL It's more like being too lazy, spoiled. 10 JOSE II This gringo I know was saying that when he was growing up the best job in America was a job at some place called the Golden Arches. Now, he says nobody wants to work there so our primos, hermanos, tias have those jobs. JOSE I Plus, we pay taxes. We help this economy when we buy food...clothes...appliances. We in our hearts...we want only to be welcomed as American too! MIGUEL Why do these people here take this beautiful land, a place for opportunity, for granted? 10B INT - TRAINING ROOM - MORNING 10B FENZEL There's another saying. That is to never VOLUNTEER for anything. But this is ZIP, so we need a volunteer. How about TARA? The group sits up after their attempt to hide from being called. TODD lets out a huge smile as he shifts into a position more comfortable. TARA gently puts down her makeup. She looks around until focusing on RAUL. She smiles and he tilts his sunglasses looking at her intently. FENZEL You can take your time... Please tell us a little about yourself TARA slowly gets out of her chair to stand. She sees TODD glancing up at the ceiling with hands in a prayer like position. TARA Hi, my name is TARA. I'M almost 18... TODD ...You won't turn 18 for two months Laughter from the group TARA That thing THERE I think is my brother! I think he was adopted or they found him I never could get the story straight. 11 BEN Well that's a news flash TARA ANYWAY, I am trying to be Bi-lingual. That's important when you go into fast food restaurants. Plus where I live there is a LOT of Spanish speaking people. RAUL Yeah, the hired help More laughter as TODD covers his face with his hands and sinks back into the seat. JENNY flashes a faint smile. TARA I am leaning Spanish and getting MULE BEEN RAUL does a double take as TARA looks directly at him. She points at him asking of him while flipping a finger onto her wrist. TARA Qi horro s (que hora es) RAUL cocks his head to the side shaking it in amazement. TARA, without a clue, looks proudly at the other members in the group TARA I just asked this young man over here For those who don't know... I asked him ...What time is it? FENZEL quickly looks at his watch and motions for TARA to sit down. FENZEL Well that was quite informative. We don't want to burn too many brain cells in one thank you TARA. Next, how about you young lady? TODD with a huge smile gloats at TARA as he shakes his head side to side. FENZEL points at KIM LEE who dutifully stands with confidence. KIM LEE I am KIM LEE and I live in Chinatown. My father owns and has runs a grocery there for a long time. He works hard and is very wise in his way. I hope to learn computers and make friends. 12 She abruptly sits back down. The group stares waiting for more. FENZEL nods to RANDY who springs to his feet waving. He puts his hand down upon reaching BEN who sits staring him down. RANDY My name is RANDY. I live in a white mobile home so I guess I'm what some might call white trailer trash. This here is my second real job. My first was with IN AND OUT BURGERS. I was let go cause they said I was eating profits. The group giggles as RANDY sits down and waves again 5A INT - TRAILER HOME - MORNING 5A RANDY'S mother is tending to a hard cough while lying on a sofa. She reaches for her cigarette pack but discovers that it is empty. She looks to a clock on the wall and her eyes sadden at the time. 10C INT - TRAINING ROOM - MORNING 10C FENZEL moves to center circle and looks directly at BEN and RAUL. FENZEL By the way there are no gangs no me at ZIP. There is only one color- Blue. There is but one race - human A long silence before BEN reluctantly removes his colors. TARA Good, those colors clashed with your wardrobe and your hair is still nice BEN glares but she ignores him as she turns towards RAUL who stands pulling up his pants, buttoning his shirt and removing his sunglasses. TARA Sunglasses did nothing for your beautiful eyes Silence than a roar of laughter at the flirtatious remark FENZEL Now that we have an understanding let us continue with introductions since you're standing, go on RAUL Just want to get this over with. My name is RAUL from East L. A. 13 TARA Oh, is that Cajun country? What city in Louisiana would that be? Anywhere near Lafayette? The group laughs as TODD covers his face with his hands. RAUL looks at TARA bewildered and sits down waving her off. JENNY slowly rises lady like from her seat, the group stares at her beauty. She moves her head in a way that her long straight hair swings side to side. JENNY My name is JENNY. I'm not from here TODD flirts with her with a wide smile TODD I would say that you're not BEN holding his hands in a prayer like position and looks skywards. BEN AMEN. You could have come from Venus I don't care. Just send more like you. JENNY I am a Native American and recently moved here for college. I come from my reservation on the Arizona -California border. She blushes as she sits down. TODD flashes her a sly grin. BEN stands BEN Ouch! Can I ZIP across to her reservation? If she's just a sample you better send me to all the Indian reservations. TODD First the beauty now the beast. Laughter from the room as JENNY blushes even more. BEN They call me BEN from the heart of L. A. It is the land of the young and the strong. It is important to me that we grow from within. In time I want to return to my community as a successful businessman. The group warms up to BEN as they listen intently to BEN'S intensity. 14 BEN We might be poor, we might not have a fancy house to go to but we are very much A PROUD PEOPLE I am from Central L. A. Callie if you will. The group lets out a collective applause of their approval as BEN sits back down. TARA looks puzzled and whispers TARA Callie...I thought L. A. was in California FENZEL Maybe this is a good time for a break 12 INT - ZIP BREAK ROOM - MORNING 12 The group of new employees enters the break room with some going to tables. TARA heads straight to a soda machine inserts paper money. Pushing buttons frantically but no soda dispenses. She kicks it before moving to her seat. TODD smiles as he leans back in his chair. TODD Too complicated for you? TARA Do you think you can do something? Would it be too much to be a gentleman? TODD You're my sister so how can I be a gentleman? NO can do! TARA turns her body so that her back is to TODD. TODD Oh yeah! I hope you didn't put a twenty and expect change. The group laughs until they see JENNY walk into the room and up to the soda machine. She is having trouble with the soda machine. TODD gets up and approaches her. TARA is stunned as she turns to look at the event. RAUL cops a peak at TARA attempting to be disinterested. TODD Maybe I can help you there. After all, WE are a team now and as a gentleman I must aide one in such dire need. JENNY Really, do you think that you can help? 15 JENNY smiles at TODD who looks at TARA and smiles at his sister. TODD Oh yeah, a damsel in distress should not be so ignored TARA Damsel nothing more like Pocahontas Besides, who's dire need are you assisting? TODD kicks the machine causing a soda to drop. JENNY slowly bends to reach for it. BEN and RANDY rise off their seats to look at her. 13 INT - ZIP OPERATIONS ROOM - MORNING 13 FENZEL leads the group on a tour of the building. They arrive at the main operations room. FENZEL motions for the group to gather. FENZEL We had your schools provide us with vital info, on your background, character, your work effort - WHY? America counts on companies like ours for reliable and safe parcel delivery. We have decided to call your team... the EAGLE group. I hope you like each other or at least that you can all get along. JENNY and TODD steal a glance at each other and smile. 14 INT - BUS - AFTERNOON 14 BEN sits alone in the bus deep in thought as he glances at the dilapidated structures as he near his neighborhood along his route. He reaches inside a ZIP bag hesitating before slowly pulling out his gang colors. He holds his colors as the bus slows. BEN stands and walks to the exit. He slowly puts on his colors as the bus comes to a halt. BEN exits the bus and looks around his surroundings 6A EXT - BUS STOP - AFTERNOON 6A As the bus pulls away BEN sees his friends round the corner. The two members of the gang walk up to him. They exchange handshakes. MADDOG man you still working? Ain't gone establishment on us homies? Ain't got to good for us is you? BEN Dog I'm always going to be real. 16 MADDOG flashes a look of uncertainty towards KOOLAID, which is not unnoticed by BEN BEN CHILL! My mama got the school to get me that gig. I'm not fixin to make my mama look bad for nobody. MADDOG and KOOLAID lighten up and exchange shakes with BEN KOOLAID I hear you. My old lady she trying hard to get my backside to do SOMETHING! BEN glances over to KOOLAID'S rather obvious backside. BEN Think she just looking for more ROOM in your crib. BEN and MADDOG giggle and high five each other KOOLAID No B... that's off the hook. MADDOG At least that job ain't causing you to take no colors off your back. BEN looks at the window reflection of his colors. BEN I'm always going to be part of this hood no matter what color... 15 INT - RENTAL HOUSE KITCHEN - Los Angeles. - NIGHT 15 One week later, the same Central American men sit around a kitchen table. They are drinking beer and playing cards. Empty beer cans are laying about the kitchen, in and out of the trashcan. They are angry. JOSE II Again they turned down my application. They turned down all of us in here. I don't understand how that is when I went to the same attorney as MARIA. MIGUEL Maybe you're just not pretty enough JOSE II extends his hand and flips his wrist down. Others laugh. 17 ARMANDO Ah Fayo, I do know some people have the market on the convenient gas station and corner store and no one can even understand a damn word they are saying. MIGUEL Some work at or even own cleaners, hair places, car shops and restaurants Hey even the maids have to be legal JOSE II That is so politicians do not get in trouble ARMANDO smashes a beer can with his fist on the table swishing it off the table. The can lands next to a person with brown steel-toed boots. ARMANDO If we can not enjoy AMERICA then why should others! JOSE I Especially, those who do not appreciate what they have been given by simply being born here when many people risk their lives to come to America ARMANDO You know, I think there is something that can be done so that the American people should not take for granted what they have. 16 INT - ZIP DISPATCH ROOM - DAY 16 A monitor with lighted markings track ZIP vehicles while on delivery routes. RAUL is at dispatch, dressed in a pressed work outfit, with his hair combed, working the monitor to watch and track vehicles. . FENZEL watches from the outer room. RAUL flips a switch and talks. RAUL ZIP 141 what is your 20? Be advised that you are 22 minutes late! Silence as RAUL and FENZEL strain to listen for a response until a male voice with a strong Hispanic ascent responds. ZIP 141 ZIP 141 here I can not help it. It is just way too many frijoles this week 18 RAUL covers the mike looking at FENZEL and both start to laugh. RAUL It's the new guy on probation. He's suppose to be good on electronic devises. RAUL turns back and flips on the microphone RAUL ZIP 141 - just make all your runs. No response until a loud and continuos fart is heard over the radio. ZIP 141 I don't think that will be a problem 17 INT - COMPUTER ROOM - MORNING 17 About thirty partitioned areas with workers at their computers fill the room. KIM LEE is working diligently at her assigned computer KIM LEE stands up and looks over her partition to her neighbor, KISHA, black female, 20, who is laboring along with her duties. KIM LEE Excuse me, what am I suppose to do once I finish these procurement orders? KISHA stops working and looks up in wonder. KISHA What, done all ready? Most summer folks can't catch on let alone be done so quick KISHA stands as she lightly claps her hands in approval. KIM LEE blushes at the attention that KISHA is causing. Other workers look on. KIM LEE I don't know what it is. I just feel at ease on a Computer and I somehow figure how to do it. KISHA Well girlfriend, you got the touch. By the way, my name is KISHA KIM LEE looks surprised and asks of her new friend KIM LEE And I am KIM LEE! Are you Chinese? KISHA breaks up in laughter. 19 KISHA Girl, I am as much Chinese as a burnt fortune cookie at a Kansas City barbecue. KISHA extends her hand to KIM LEE who puts out her hand. They shake hands and smile. KIM LEE goes back to her chair and whispers KIM LEE A new friend...she called me girlfriend. Father will be so proud for me. Computers and now a friend KIM LEE pulls out a folder filled with documents, and graphs 18 INT - LOADING AREA - MORNING 18 A conveyor belt type machine moves packages to its designated areas. BEN fitted in his ZIP outfit works intently in the tracking area watching a device to see that packages get the applied stickers. Handling the control device he maneuvers them to ensure proper tracking. BEN This is like some bad ass video game. He flicks more buttons as lights flicker. BEN looks to see if anyone is watching before spinning in a chair as he makes adjustments. BEN Air conditioning blasting, lights flashing and I get paid for THIS! RANDY passes driving a forklift. He sees BEN so he stops and dismounts. He walks over to BEN'S work area. RANDY Hi BEN, how you doing out here? This place looks like a disco! BEN glances over a shoulder looking strangely at him. He resumes his activities but lays off the controls as RANDY makes himself at home. BEN Fool! What you know about disco in white trailer trashville? RANDY pauses as he thinks for a moment. RANDY I've done watched Saturday Night Fever probably five or six times. I got all the moves down. 20 BEN Then maybe we should hook up and go to the disco near my crib. RANDY gets excited and makes some dancing moves for BEN. RANDY stops his impromptu dance before speaking in a proud voice RANDY You're not JIVING me any are you? BEN rolls his eyes and smiles. BEN Oh no, you my man, you fit right in tighter than a glove on O.J. RANDY smiles and turns to leave raising a fist in the air. RANDY HEY, I can be the BRO without the FRO! BEN gives him stern looking over until BEN lets out a wide grin. BEN You are one crazy white boy! You sure your mama didn't sue the doctor for delivering you so damn ugly! RANDY bends over in laughter BEN I can tell you right now that if you had been delivered C.O.D. your mama would have told them she moved. RANDY continues laughing before regaining his composure to speak. RANDY Hey, How about doing lunch? Just you and me, Brother BEN If I could I would but the bus fare is denting my pockets. Plus I'm saving! He empties his pockets and motions he is broke. RANDY removes a battered wallet from his pocket and inspects the contents. RANDY No worries MON, I got you covered. 21 BEN If you for real...I'm there. RANDY gives two thumbs up and smiles. He turns to leave as he performs more dance moves on his way to his forklift. BEN smiles. BEN This don't make you no brother! 19 INT - ZIP CONFERENCE ROOM - MORNING 19 A moderate size conference room is filled with white shirt types. TODD, wearing a shirt and tie, sits in the meeting with executives. As TODD takes notes and fingers as wall street journal he notices JENNY walk pass the glass window. TODD looks at his watch and tries to inconspicuously stand. No one bothers to look over to TODD stepping away from his chair. TODD Excuse me, I need to go to my office Ah... ah... I forgot something. An executive waves TODD off as he deliberately makes his way to the door. TODD rushes out the door in the direction of JENNY. 20 INT - HALLWAY - MORNING 20 JENNY turns a corner stopping as she sees TODD'S nameplate next to an office. TODD comes from around the same corner almost running into JENNY whom has started to walk away upon hearing his approach. TODD Sorry, hey you should have told me you were coming to see me today! JENNY stops and flips her long hair to one side as she looks quizzically at him. TODD straightens his tie catching his breath. JENNY It's not what you think! I didn't even know you work up here TODD looks surprised and hurt as he puts his head down. TODD I ...I...I thought you knew. Didn't I tell you just the other day? I'm sure that I did! JENNY gives a puzzled look as she shrugs her shoulders. TODD looks directly at her with sad eyes causing JENNY to break out in a smile 22 JENNY Of course, I knew where you worked. I remember everything YOU tell me. TODD lets out a sigh of relief and breaks into a smile. TODD I was hoping that you and I were.... JENNY steps closer putting her finger gently to his lips and whispers. JENNY Why don't you show me your office? TODD shows surprised but delighted as he looks around before escorting her into his office. 21 EXT - ZIP CAR POOL - AFTERNOON 21 In the car pool ZIP employees ready their vehicles for route assignments. TARA, wearing tight shorts and an even tighter tee shirt, lumbers along driving a golf cart with a soft drink dispenser. TARA rings a bell to let alert staff of her presence TARA REFRESHMENTS, ...REFRESHMENTS... Come get it while it's hot. Employees stop their chores quickly turning to look at her. TARA smiles sheepishly realizing her slip of the tongue. TARA I mean hot outside! Cold drinks! How ever you like it! She stops at a row of vehicles and steps out as sweaty but smiling employees advance. One buff worker, clothes matted and body dripping in sweat approaches. TARA reaches for a cold soda until she sees RAUL walk out of a nearby building. She drops the soda ringing her bell as she agilely maneuvers her cart away before others reach her. RAUL looks to see where the ringing is from. He sees TARA waving and advancing swiftly. He looks around not seeing anyone else nearby. She reaches him before she suddenly stops. TARA RAUL are you thirsty? Would you like ANYTHING? TARA nonchalantly flips her hair and straightens her uniform. RAUL 'S eyes follow her every move as she steps off the bike. 23 RAUL OH hi SARA, I almost didn't recognize you. TARA laughs at him. In the background, employees return to vehicles. TARA Oh you're always kidding around. Pretending you forgot who I am. RAUL shrugs his shoulders and speaks in a sensuous tone. RAUL Do you have anything I might want? TARA blushes with embarrassed grin. RAUL You got a good job there keeping the employees ....FRESH TARA pauses to think to herself as she makes facial expressions. TARA Muy BEEN, wendo dios Oh my! I just love being able to speak two different languages. RAUL Yeah, you're really getting fluent in two DIFERENT languages all right. TARA is oblivious to the slight TARA You're so sweet and so nice to me RAUL Whatever TARA I better get going. I should take drinks to those other workers, the sweaty ones. See you later, A DIOS (adios) 22 EXT - PARK - AFTERNOON 22 The sky is clear with a beautiful blue color. A Hispanic group in the park picnic as the women spread out food under a Ramada providing much needed shade. Kids play while others fly kites. Men with coolers sit under a shade tree as they drink and talk. One man stands up from the grass and glances around the park as he takes a whiff of fresh air. 24 JOSE II Look at this place, a simple park, green grass smells fresh. Families and friends come here for free. Kids can play safely. MIGUEL Hey, Just lay on the grass and look at the sky. Arroyo! When the sun settles in the west the sky become a bright orange. At night, lay and look at the stars, the milky way, the LUNA. ARMANDO Oh stop, you're making me weep! We know how easy the Americans have it. They are the ones that don't know how lucky they are. JOSE I It is not even luck mi amigo.... It is a PRIVILEGE that they do not realize. A freedom to go with your family anywhere AND do anything or nothing at all An Hispanic boy, 10 years old, sits reading a book to a younger sister who looks up at him in admiration. JOSE II This country kids can get a good education. Can become someone. Yet, they drop out of school for NADA, say it's boring! If they want boring, try no food. No money! Standing on a corner... MIGUEL "But not in Winslow, Arizona" JOSE I Try standing on a corner just hoping someone drives up and offers work, any job to help feed your familia. JOSE II It is sad but true they don't want to finish school. It is NOT cool to quit school. MIGUEL Then they complain they do not want to work certain jobs. It's beneath them. We have to worry if they will even pay us for ANY work we get to do that day 25 ARMANDO What would America do if they had no privilege? If they no longer can take it for granted. If something were to happen to AMERICA as they have come to know it. Brown steel-toed boots move slightly next to the cooler 17A INT -COMPUTER ROOM - MORNING 17A KIM LEE is sitting at her computer cubicle working on a project. KISHA leaves her work area as BEN happens upon the area on his way to the loading area. He peaks over her partition to visit with KIM LEE. BEN KIM LEE, it's BEN what you doing? KIM LEE is somewhat startled and hurriedly removes a graph from her computer screen and shoves papers into her folder. This is not lost on BEN as he gets curious of her stealth like behavior. KIM LEE brushes her hair with her hand as she turns to greet BEN. KIM LEE Oh hi BEN you scared me What are you doing in this area? BEN is trying to peek at her folder and beyond her BEN Had to deliver some things. Heading back to my area then I saw you. Hey, is that some top-secret project that your trying to hide? KIM LEE looks around before she answers as she opens the folder KIM LEE Not really, it's something I tinker with during my breaks, lunch, whenever I can find a minute BEN enters her cubicle and stares at the sticker like bar codes BEN Are they for your fathers' store? KIM LEE No, but do you promise not to laugh at me if I show you? BEN nods his head arousing his curiosity ever more. 26 KIM LEE I have been working on a different type of tracking code with my computer. Not only will it locate the location of a package like now, but if it works right it can determine distance traveled and if the package goes off course. The idea and concept begins to register with BEN BEN So I can attach it to any package and find out if the package gets from point A to point B without interruption? Give me some and we'll experiment 18A INT - LOADING AREA - MORNING 18A Packages pass along the conveyor belt as BEN randomly attaches a sticker from KIM LEE. Suddenly an alarm sets off indicating that another package is jammed. BEN pushes the stop button and goes to a small oblong package on the belt. He turns the package and sees a fragile marking but he grabs it and shakes it. A LOUD BANG BEN is startled, ducks and hits the ground. He rises dusting off his uniform as he looks around to see if anyone had seen his reaction. BEN Damn, thought I was back in the hood BEN realizes the noise stems from a malfunctioning machine. Behind him he sees an object on the ground that had fallen. He looks at the destination on the package as he applies KIM LEE'S tracker sticker to the assigned vehicle - 141. It is to "WATERWORLD, Denver, Colorado" 16A INT - DISPATCH ROOM - MORNING 16A RAUL 141- you need to get the package for WATERWORLD to the airport now. 141 Understood, hope I don't need to stop for... RAUL ...I hope it's not Frijoles again. 141 No! It was those suicide chicken wings I got hot flames shooting out my.... RAUL flips the switch off 27 5B INT - TRAILER HOME - NIGHT 5B RANDY sits at the kitchen table counting his money. He looks into an cereal box and shakes it. His mother is at same table with a drink. She coughs as she shakes an empty cigarette package. Her speech slurred. RANDY'S MOTHER Son, I truly hate to ask of you... RANDY ...You don't have to repay me. She displays a smirk. RANDY'S MOTHER What! You talking with Miss Cleo? RANDY No mother but what I make is for us to share. Almost have enough for our first vacation. Anywhere special you want to go to? His mother answers with a smart aleck response RANDY'S MOTHER Surprise me! Shouldn't you be out with friends your own age and not watching over an old hag! RANDY Mom you're not OLD! Doing a double take his mother looks over to RANDY. RANDY'S MOTHER Are you saying I'm a HAG? Son you are a good boy but you need friends. RANDY Don't worry I'm making friends. I get to have fun but you're still my mom! RANDY reaches for his mother's hand as he gently holds it. RANDY Right now it's just us you and me. We are family. You took care of me... ...Now I can help take care of YOU! She lets out a slight smile. RANDY glows seeing her rare smile. 28 RANDY'S MOTHER I don't know what I did to deserve you. RANDY is genuinely touched by her statement 23 INT - FOOD BANK - DAY 23 Homeless and those without wait patiently in line. Small children of all nationalities play together and running around the small aisles. BEN wears a grocer's apron as he sacks groceries. He places bags into a shopping cart for an elderly woman. ELDERLY WOMAN Say boy, Are you a new volunteer? BEN I just started helping out this week. I plan on being here every week ELDERLY WOMAN Help out nothing! You in trouble with the law boy? BEN No madam, I ensure you I am not. Just thought it was time to give back She gives an are you out of your mind look. She stares at him as she reaching into a purse and attempts to give BEN a tip BEN No thank you. It is not necessary. ELDERLY WOMAN Boy don't be a fool! Take this here money BEN Really, it is my pleasure She looks at him from different angles studying his features ELDERLY WOMAN You not old STUARTS' boy is you? BEN Yes, that's my father. Did you know him? ELDERLY WOMAN He was a fine man, always helping in the community. Got to say they did a fine job of raising such a good boy 29 BEN My mama always says my pop never could say no to helping out, helping someone. ELDERLY WOMAN This here was a fine neighborhood up till the time your daddy got shot by a drug addict. You were just a boy then. This place done gone down hill ever since. 24 EXT - WATERWORLD (DENVER) - NOON 24 A teenage couple pose for a photograph before a WATERWORLD sign in Hyland Hills, a suburb of Denver. An aerial view of the park's rides and attractions show patrons exiting vehicles and city buses in different stages of dress, including swimwear. Parents with children attempting to cross a roadway wait for a ZIP van approaching the delivery area. The van stops. A ZIP employee gets out with a small oblong package. She makes her way to a park guide who gives her directions and points to a sign marked "water treatment". 25 EXT - MALL OF AMERICA (MINNESOTA) - NOON 25 In Bloomington, Minnesota, customers heading to the Mall of America park vehicles as a helicopter hovers over. Aerial views of the mall's exterior display pedestrians passing each other as they enter or leave the mall. A vehicle pauses in front of a Mall of AMERICA sign. 26 INT -MALL OF AMERICA -AFTERNOON 26 Patrons under the malls' glass roof mingle about the tree lined multi-storied corridors. Some are attracted to water displays while others enjoy rides such as the Ferris wheel located in Camp Snoopy. Patrons play miniature golf while others go in and out of the various shops. Teenagers mingle in the food court and along the railings. MALL ANNOUCER Ladies and gentlemen, kids of all ages, welcome to the largest and greatest Mall in America with over 520 stores for your convenience. At this time we will be closing the water displays and attractions for maintenance to make this a more pleasurable mall. Patrons watch as the water displays slow to a trickle or simply stop flowing. 30 27 INT - MALL MAINTENANCE SHOP - AFTERNOON 27 A maintenance man walls along the maintenance shop carrying a small oblong ZIP package. At the water pumps he stops to open the package. - SCREAMS are heard - The startled maintenance man realizes the sounds are from nearby attractions. He finishes installing a new part to the pumps. 28 EXT - DOLLY'S SPLASH COUNTRY - (Pigeon Forge, TN)- 28 In front of the Smokey Mountain's Water Park sign patrons with cameras take photos. Customers stroll the grounds or stand in line to buy tickets for admission. Children run around playing or being chased by a parent. Inside the park vendors hawk souvenirs while other vendors serve food items. Customers in swimwear line up for the Downbound float trip along the park's lazy river while other watch people in the water float by on tubes. 29 INT - DOLLY SPLASH COUNTRY'S WATER TREATMENT 29 A maintenance man is busy installing parts to a pump in the water treatment area. He throws the packaging in the trash that he passes. Inside the trashcan those wrappings clearly display ZIP markings. 12A INT - ZIP BREAKROOM - AFTERNOON 12A TODD and JENNY are feeding a bagel to each other. RAUL and TARA sit facing each other with feet touching as they quietly eat their snacks. RANDY, BEN and KIM LEE play cards. Mr. FENZEL enters the room FENZEL Can I have your attention please. I just wanted to say that the execs are very satisfied with everyone of your performances thus far.... The group stand and high five each other. Some whistle at the news. FENZEL We are proud to have you with ZIP as we cross AMERICA together . Mr. FENZEL leaves as the group claps with approval as the mood become festive BEN RANDY you watch the man BEN turns on a radio as a hip-hop tune plays 31 BEN dances smoothly and effortlessly as the group gets in the grove as they clap or sway. BEN stops after a few seconds. RANDY tries the same moves with different results, even stumbling. Laughter breaks out as RANDY tuns a bright red at the ribbing from co-workers. KIM LEE Here I thought it was only the Chinese that went right to left. JENNY If I had moves like that my tribe would have never let me leave the reservation RAUL My Chihuahua dances better than that and he died two years ago The group converges around RANDY laughing. 24A EXT - WATERWORLD - MORNING 24A Hordes of water lovers play in Thunder Bay, the wave pool. They laugh, giggle and ready their floats as they anticipate the waves. ANNOUCEMENT 30 seconds for the wave! Fun seekers jump off lounge seats and blankets. Many enter the wave zone with or without rafts. Sounds of the surging water echoes as the waves of water are released. Blue water with white colored waves form to create continuous waves. Those in the water try to keep their balance as they laugh or run from the thunderous waves. ANNOUNCER Parents do you know where your kids are? Water worshippers on rafts fight to maintain their balance from being knocked about from the forceful water. Suddenly water pouring in begins to turn a light PINKISH color. Those in the water begin to notice the difference when the color turns a deeper pink. Some stare at the water while other look to lifeguards for guidance. Lifeguards blow whistles while some wave orange flags to create a semblance of safe passage out of the tainted water. LIFEGUARD Please exit the water in an orderly fashion Scared children run from the water into arms of rushing parents running into the water to gather frightened kids. The frantic people exiting the pool bump into each other. Empty rafts drift along the water and over the continuous waves. 32 28A EXT - DOLLY'S SPLASH COUNTRY - MORNING 28A People on inter tubes float lazily on the blue waterways that encircle an area of the Water Park. Young teenage couples hold hands drifting by in their tubes. Long lines form as those waiting at the entrance to the water try to secure a tube. A teenage girl floating on her tub paddles with her hands looking at the blue water in her hands. She passes the location where the water twinkles into the water lanes. She becomes fascinated until she notices PINKISH colored water. She scopes up a hand full of water and confirms the PINKISH water. She belts out a loud scream that startle those around her. TEENAGER Get out of the water, The water is turning PINK! Tubers of all ages and shapes panic as they see the water changing. People yell and scream as they try to quickly exit the water. Floaters fall out of their tubes in their haste to leave the water. Parents carry their small children as they exit the water. The younger kids cry out seeing swimmers covered in a pinkish color scramble out of the water. KIDS MOMMY! DADDY! ...MOMMY! 26A INT - MALL OF AMERICA -MORNING 26A Customers linger around the suspended water attractions. ANNOUNCER "Patrons in the largest and greatest Mall of America may I have your attention. Water displays will resume in one minute" Activity at water attractions through out the mall is buzzing with excitement. Patrons jockey for better viewing. At a water fountain a crowd gathers. The crowds anticipate the imminent surging of water. Suddenly huge and high burst of water shoot from their settings. Water blast out in a number of different shapes, angles and heights. The shows and displays are splendid as delightful faces break into cheers or simply smile. Suddenly, bubbles start to sprout into the air with the water. Bubbles lace lagoons and water areas. The panicky viewers react by hurrying from the water sites as they run into shops or to exits of the mall. 11A INT - RENTAL HOUSE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 11A Laughter is heard throughout the living room. The men listen to the news on the radio as volume is increased to the listeners' delight. A pair of brown steel-toed boots can be seen dancing as the person wearing them celebrates. 33 RADIO "Reports keep coming in across nice and sunny America. Water parks, malls and water rides at amusement parks have been vandalized or tampered with ...Instead of nice clear blue water we are seeing pinkish coloring or bubbles.... JOSE II turns the radio off and returns back to the group of friends JOSE II Hopefully this gets their attention. They are fools the way they waste natural resources MIGUEL Maybe they will think about wasting water. These Americans know not to pollute but some still throw garbage into the waters that they may have to drink later! At the beach some even do pee pee... the water! The group shivers and groans at the thought. JOSE II The water is so bad even the fishes die MIGUEL From the pee pee? JOSE II No, the waste from factories dump into the water, lakes, the ponds. Worse are the foolish ones who water grass with timers when it is rains. ARMANDO One wonders when are these AMERICANS going to appreciate what they have? 30 EXT - CORNER CENTRAL Los Angeles. - NIGHT 30 BEN is watching his friends converse. They then address him. KOOLAID B... what ups with you lately? MADDOG Hell yeah, ever since you been working you seem pre occupied when you with us. You down with us or not? 34 BEN Just thinking about things happening across the country. The news, the water! KOOLAID I hear that! That's just wrong! But if you haven't noticed we don't have no water parks in the hood Besides no one does a dam thing when something goes down in the hood. BEN stares at the ground and then slowly at his surroundings as his friends observe him before BEN turns his attention to them BEN SOMETHING has to begin here. LOOK! Look around you. All neighborhoods have to start caring. Part of the problem is people thinking we are due, they owe us. That's whack! WE owe ourselves to give back KOOLAIDE Fool, you ain't running for office. What those people feeding you? BEN No man, I' m for real. We got to take pride with what you have to work with. We got to stop thinking someone else should be doing it and just do it for ourselves. KOOLAID You know what it's like with someone always trying to keep the brother down BEN Fool, that SOMEONE is you! Who was it that burned down the hood after the Rodney King thang? We just ended up hurting our own community KOOLAID shakes his head as he tries to comprehend what BEN has said. MADDOG pulls out a blunt from his pocket and lights it up. MADDOG All that stuff is twisted. Besides I ain't no politician. I can't do a damn thing! KOOLAID Dog, give some to B. He be needing to chill. 35 MADDOG offers BEN the joint. BEN denies the offer shaking his head BEN Can't, we have random drug tests at work and weed stays in the system up to 45 days. . KOOLAID So what! You be falling off anyway You know they be looking for any reason to get rid of your behind. BEN NAW, it's not like that. At work... we all different. Strange thing is, we all get along. MADDOG Yeah but it's still just only for the summer BEN Can't be saying it JUST for this or just for that. Maybe I got a chance to do something to lead to something good for me. Everyone has got to start somewhere. Just need a chance, an opportunity! MADDOG A chance to leave THIS! MADDOG waves an arm referencing the neighborhood BEN It don't mean it's all wrong as long you don't forget where you come from. For me! I want to stay and help the community. KOOLAID What's up with that! This community don't care nothing about you. Haven't you noticed? Not many brothers have a job around here. BEN That's just wrong! It's time to do good for this community so that businesses come back. Then there will be jobs. Look at what Magic done did with his movie theaters. MADDOG Fool, you ain't Magic, you got no magic. I think you going out of this hood has caused you to go temporary whack on us 36 BEN Stepping out has opened my eyes. That it don't have to be this way. Look at Harlem, businesses are starting to return. It's getting it's vitality back KOOLAID and MADDOG look dumbfounded at each other KOOLAID Vital a who? Dick Vitale the rock dude? MADDOG Let's boogie, let GHANDI be! KOOLAID Yeah, peace out! MADDOG and KOOLAID walk away laughing. BEN watches them give low fives then he slowly turns his head to view his neighborhood 31 INT - CAFé - NIGHT 31 KIM LEE Wasn't that movie the bomb? It's been so much fun talking to you. I just want to say thank you for inviting... KISHA smiles and holds out her hand to stop KIM LEE from finishing. KISHA GIRL! There's no need to thank me. You are special and I was hoping we could be friends. I still can't get it done like you do. Maybe I can learn something or have some of what you have rub off. KIM LEE blushes and then smiles back. KIM LEE I would very much like to be your friend. Please tell me about your family. KISHA My daddy died when I was eight. I can still remember when he played with me after work. He was DOG tired, hungry but he always made time for me, he would play with me then read to me KIM LEE reaches for KISHA'S hand to hold 37 KIM LEE I am so sorry for you. My own father is SO busy with his store. He is elderly and stubborn, do you know he knows nothing about computers? He still uses old Chinese Math devices yet he is a wise man. I cherish every moment that I have with him... KIM LEE gently lowers her head before she looks back at KISHA KIM LEE ...I do wish I could be closer to him. KISHA pick ups her soda and proposes a toast KISHA To the fathers of the world... KIM LEE ...May you kiss your daughters good night The women touch glasses and gently nod their head. 5C INT - TRAILER HOME - NIGHT 5C RANDY sneaks up on his mother who is coughing at the kitchen table. He empties a cereal box full of cash on the table. Her eyes widen at the sight of the money falling out onto the table. RANDY Look, I got enough for our vacation. The travel agency is finishing the plans MOTHER places her hands to her face in happiness and surprise. RANDY'S MOTHER Son, maybe I think I could try to enjoy.... RANDY moves to put his arms around his mother's shoulders. She puts out her cigarette as RANDY smiles. She grabs his hands and holds them tightly across her body. RANDY Oh mom, you will just love it! His mother seems genuinely happy about the plans RANDY'S MOTHER Tell me where...I can't wait Do I need to get my hair done? 38 She releases her tight grip placing her hands over his as she lays her head against his arm. He is touched by her emotional response. He whispers as his eyes moist. RANDY You'll see. Things are going to get better 32 EXT - WHITE PARK SOCCER FIELD -DAY - (Concord, N. H.) 32 In Concord, New Hampshire, a soccer league tournament is being played. Bleachers are filled with fans, some seated some jumping up and down but all with their faces full of anxiety. The game is tied with minutes to play. Players jockey for position on a clear sunny day. Suddenly sprinklers on the lush green grass automatically turn on at a high volume. Players halt upon being drenched with water. The soccer ball roll gingerly along the playing field as players run to the sidelines. Spectators and coaches search for their kids as the umpire yells loudly UMPIRE Can anyone stop these things? A maintenance vehicle races to the main controls. A worker jumps out and sprints to the controls. He works feverishly but is stumped. The UMPIRE looks at the field as it becomes saturated with pools of water. 33 EXT - WALNUT CREEK SOFTBALL FIELD - (Raleigh, N.C.) 33 Teammates celebrate as a player touches home plate after hitting a home run in a girl's tournament being played in Raleigh, North Carolina, not far from North Carolina State University. Fans watching in the red seated stadium cheer and glance at the scoreboard in left center field. In the midst of the celebration sprinklers on the field unexpectedly turn on. Players scream and scatter at the sudden bursts of water soaks the field. A Coach yells out. COACH Off the field before someone gets hurt Players sprint off the field but one runs to the COACH. She pleads PLAYER Coach, they have to let us finish? COACH Our motto says trees, trees and PhDs! But unless someone gets a clue and turns off these sprinklers the field will be too soaked and it won't be playable. The players put their head down and walk away. The COACH watches as he comments to another coach. 39 COACH What's this world coming to when we can't play a simple game of softball without some annoying hindrance? Players stand on the sidelines or in the dugout waiting to play as parents wonder if their children will be able to resume their game under safe conditions 31A EXT - WHITE PARK SOCCER FIELD - DAY (Concord, N.H.) 31A The maintenance man continues working at the water controls MAINTENANCE MAN It won't shut off or even slow down. I don't understand it. New parts were just installed. The timer is not suppose to work this way and the manual won't function properly. UMPIRE You have any instructions on it? The worker pauses looking at the nearby trash can. He nods. MAINTENANCE MAN Check that trash can, I believe the box might still be in there. You better hurry! The UMPIRE and a parent who is standing nearby run to the trash and begin scattering items. The UMPIRE picks up a soaked box and turns it around. He inspects the package and wrappings and finds no instructions. The UMPIRE looks out at the field and the sprinklers continued assault on the field. He then faces the crowd. UMPIRE Folks, we must postpone the conclusion of this championship game. I apologize for any inconvenience to your family. Let's get these kids home safe. Turning the package once more the labels from ZIP are evident. 11B INT - RENTAL HOUSE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON 11B Men sit in the living room talking, laughing, as they listen to the radio. . RADIO "...First it was water and amusement parks. Now believe it or not, it's soccer and softball fields..." 40 A couple of the men raise their cups in mock salute. RADIO "...Across the country there are reports of water systems that have been tampered. Malfunctioning and irregular sprinklers soaking the fields to a point resulting in flooded fields left too slick or with water pools too dangerous to play. This has resulted in postponement of youth league championships... Such an annoyance and inconvenience to the youth of this nation..." The person in the brown steel-toed boot turns the radio off. JOSE I It is good to have familia who used to work at a water part place. You, mi compadre knows what to do to annoy the know it all Americans in the heartland. JOSE II Mi Primo at ZIPS gets these parts to and from so that the deed gets done before delivery to the right place. No one knows until it's way too late JOSE I Yeah, the packages get dropped off, parts are altered so they mess up the games for those little unappreciative snotty kids ARMANDO Are the Americans still taking their way of life for granted? I don't think SO! The group of men claps hands while other slap-high fives. 5B INT - TRAINING ROOM -AFTERNOON 5B A grim face serious looking Mr. FENZEL enters the room. He moves to the front of the room as he taps on the desk. FENZEL Attention please, I don't know if you... Stopping mid sentence to ensure he has the room's attention. FENZEL .... Have heard about the water mishaps across the country. 41 TARA Yeah, I did hear about how the water turned red. Oh no, I bet it ruined lots of new hairdos. TARA turns to RAUL with a bright smile. TARA Aqua priety (prieta), ajo. MR. FENZEL displays a frown as RAUL tries to inconspicuously shake his head no as to quiet TARA. MR. FENZEL I am here now for a reason. We at ZIPS are very concerned for we have learned that most if not all mishaps are associated with ZIP. Eagle members are startled and surprised at the news JENNY That's can't be. People here are good. Nothing like that can happen here with us. Is it somebody on the outside trying some major type extortion on ZIP? RANDY Don't even tell me it's some media seeking want to be international terrorists TODD Do you think it could be some type of inside trading scandal to increase the market KIMLEE Maybe someone is trying sabotage to make a political statement JENNY But why get ZIP involved? TODD It could be just a means to their madness FENZEL At this point I wish we had all of the fact but Someone is using ZIP as the delivery mode for the affected parts. Somehow, somebody has placed ZIP in the middle. It is too early for us to really know the reasoning for any of this. 42 RAUL Any ideas of who or whom is involved? FENZEL moves to his desk and leans against it. FENZEL I would hope it is not an American with an off the wall attitude or philosophy. But that is why ZIP and America counts on EAGLE group to keep an eye open so that the American way of life is no longer harassed by thugs, these people who may think they are pranksters. TODD stands up in front of the group RANDY I wouldn't call them pranksters because there is nothing funny about making it tough on the kids of this nation. BEN No matter how it might seem, it is STILL one nation, OUR nation! The group members begin to slowly rise to their feet as FENZEL watches with great interest. TODD Despite my sister, we, EAGLE group stands like the rest of America, UNITED as one! RANDY immediately puts his hand over his heart. BEN extends his fists to RANDY and they bump fists. RAUL moves closer to TARA grabbing her hand creating a pleasant surprise. She throws a proud smile at TODD. KIMLEE smiles proudly at her friends. JENNY straightens her clothes as TODD walks over to her looking her in the eyes. FENZEL I knew this group was special. Young adults like you make me so proud to be American. Just to know that young men and women of this nation, the very fiber that holds this great country together, will someday continue the traditions and way of life as we now know it I just want to thank you. RANDY moves to the flag as BEN walks over to RANDY putting his arm around his shoulder. RANDY speaks to the flag. 43 RANDY Whomever is doing this I, we, want you to know that for now you may think you have taken our comfort zone from us... RANDY glances over his shoulder to ensure his back is covered. The other members stand firm behind him and at his side. RANDY ...BUT you really only have awoken me, us, our American spirit BEN Them fools just don't know whom they dealing with. I got no water park in my hood. I don't even swim. But them fools are messing with my brothers and sisters. We all the same when anyone messes with our way of life. RAUL leaves TARA moving slowly over to BEN with a slight sense of tension in the air. They stand facing each other until simultaneously they bump fists out of mutual respect. RAUL At a time like this, no gangs no colors. This turf, this country, belongs to all of us. It's not really a good idea to piss off... Americans The others join BEN, RANDY and RAUL as they interlock shoulders KIM LEE I just have to say that I told my father that I hoped I would find new friends.... I have found not only friends but family. JENNY steps closer to TODD as she watches RANDY stare at the flag. RANDY begins to whisper to himself with pride and excitement, RANDY USA! USA! The rest pick up on this. Soon the room is filled with chants and claps EAGLE GROUP USA! USA! USA! TARA wipes moist eyes moving to TODD as they cuddle and embrace. TARA admires her brother, smiles as she gently puts her head on his shoulder. TODD softly moves the tears from her eyes. 44 23A INT - FOOD BANK - DAY 23A BEN is busy stocking items for the food bank when the elderly woman he met before approaches. She admires his hair, clothes then speaks ELDERLY WOMAN All this time has passed and you're still here! BEN turns to see her and smiles as he stops to chat. BEN Can't get rid of me that easy. ELDERLY WOMAN I thought you would be in jail by now. BEN We're not all bad ELDERLY WOMAN Well I can appreciate that. BEN watches as she abruptly turns and leaves his area. He rubs an itch in his eye area. 34 EXT - FENWAY PARK - BOSTON - DAY 34 A young fan rubs his eyes as he stands in awe of the Green monster, the 37-foot high hard plastic left field wall in FENWAY Park. The Anaheim Angels are in position. An advertisement for GAMEDOGS is displayed prominently around the stadium with the motto "we will have you running for more". The young boy next to his dad continues to stare at the left field wall as he enjoys a hot dog. FATHER Son, did you know behind that scoreboard there is a room covered with signatures from players who have played here? The son's eyes widen at the thought. FATHER And did you know that I was almost your age when I first had a GAMEDOG at this very park. By the way how did you like your first GAMEDOG? The son enthusiastically chews on his last bite nodding his approval. 45 35 EXT - COMMISKY PARK FIELD - CHICAGO - DAY 35 Hot dog vendors make their way through the throng of fans. A line of fans buys GAMEDOGS from a vendor. The vendor franticly attempts to keep up with the seemingly never-ending line. VENDOR Get your GAMEDOGS here Eat them while they're HOT! Vendor tosses a hot one to a dad for his daughter. Her father looks at the massive colorful scoreboard at White Sox Park. The Chicago White Sox are on the playing field. The daughter sitting in the box seats bites into her GAMEDOG. She notices that fans are leaving their seats with great haste so she points this out to her dad while chewing. DAD I don't have a clue. It does seem strange the way they are zooming up the stairs. Maybe they are giving something away The daughter stands to get a better look holding her half-eaten dog. DAD Maybe they ate too many GAMEDOGS! They laugh until she sits back down until almost immediately she begins to squirm. She looks around anxiously as she exerts a long and audible fart. Fan glancing over his scorecard behind her hears it. DAD tries to ignore it until the smell causes him to fan the air. A player peaks out from the dugout holding his nose. The person behind starts twigging his nose. FAN ONE My, My, does the game stink that bad or are we that close to the stockyards? FAN TWO Yeah, who let the cows out? Moo...moo moo... moo MOO! Hearing these comments DAD and his daughter sink into their seats 36 INT - GAMEDOG FACTORY - Los Angeles - DAY 36 Interior tour of hot dog factory starting with phrase one ends with the packaging of GAMEDOGS. Worker with brown steel-toed boots moves from the batch area to an isolated spot. He looks around prior to pulling a bottle out from under his clothes. He looks at the bottle then shakes it to confirm its contents. 46 34A INT - FENWAY PARK - DAY 34A A fan enters the interior of the stadium looking for the restroom. Upon seeing the sign he hurriedly make his way. Reaching the restroom he rushes to the entrance. A biker type stops him by motioning that the line is behind him. The fans look to see that a long line has formed outside the restroom. As he makes his way to the end of the line fans in line keep motioning to him that the line ends further back. He reaches the end of the line behind two other fans that are talking. PERSON IN LINE ONE Come on will you, hurry it up in there You're not baking a cake in there are you? PERSON IN LINE TWO Don't smell like no cake to me... PERSON IN LINE ONE You haven't smelled my ex-wife's baking Laughter from the line, some do "the dance" in attempt to try to wait PERSON IN LINE TWO I know the angels are on the field. But even the man upstairs couldn't tolerate this smell. PERSON IN LINE ONE I know one thing there's more runs in these restrooms than on the field. 36A INT - GAMEDOG FACTORY- DAY 36A Inside the factory a lunch horn sounds. Workers leave their assignments and head for lunch. In the batch area the man wearing brown steel-toed boots lingers around a trashcan. Quickly removing the bottle from his back pocket he shakes it to ensure it is empty. Concealing the bottle against his side he moves to another trashcan. He looks around before tossing the bottle into it. From around the corner a janitor approaches with a cart collecting garbage. The worker watches the janitor goes to the first trash can and open the lid. In plain view are the wrappings with ZIP packaging. The janitor simply dumps the trashcan into the cart. He heads for the second trashcan that has the bottle. Another janitor approaches the first janitor and speaks to him. JANITOR II Hey, hurry the card game is about to start. Just leave it for later, we have plenty to do after lunch. 47 JANITOR I I just need to empty a couple of more JANITOR I places his cart next to the second trashcan as the worker watches with great interests. The janitor is about to look into the can when the other janitor diverts his attention. JANITOR II Come on already. Forget about it! The first janitor changes direction as he heads for the card game. The worker nonchantantly moves to the trashcan and looks in. The label on the bottle inside is clearly visible. QUICK LAXATIVE "When you know you ought to go" Steel-toed worker reaches in burying the bottle further into the trash 37 INT -MORGANTOWN MALL - West Virginia - AFTERNOON 37 In the Morgantown Mall, located off exit 152 and Interstate 79, a crowd leisurely strolls along shops The song "West Virginia" is being played over the malls' sound system. The song ends and the malls' radio system pipes out it the voices of a DJ. Patrons continue on their way window-shopping, some carry purchases. RADIO VOICE MALE "Don't forget that the Macon-Dixon Festival at Riverfront Park is coming" RADIO VOICE FEMALE "Isn't it great to live in the "Best Small City in the East" and home to West Virginia University?" RADIO VOICE MALE "The early eighties Mountainers teams only got to go to little bowls. I can't recall what year but I remember the Blue Bonnet Bowl where the kid from some little town in Arizona. The big home, Casa Grande, ended up at quarterback for us. He had a great game" RADIO VOICE FEMALE I think the name was KEVIN something I heard that he went on to law school. RADIO VOICE MALE Are we talking about the same KEVIN? 48 RADIO VOICE FEMALE RIGHT! RADIO VOICE MALE Moving on, I do declare it's time for news. On your drive home from work think of this...The latest of the strange things happening across America....there are reports of long lines outside of restrooms .... it seems that the fans at ballparks won't have to worry about running out of gas... RADIO VOICE FEMALE Now would that be unleaded or premium? Laughter from the crowd as a passing mom with a baby listens RADIO VOICE MALE What ever happened to regular? RADIO VOICE FEMALE I don't think there is anything regular left in this country when a dad or a mom can't even take their kid to a baseball game...order peanuts, crackerjacks, and a hot dog. RADIO VOICE MALE Not the all mighty GAMEDOG! RADIO VOICE FEMALE Well, wait, it has not been confirmed that anything has been contaminated, RADIO VOICE MALE Well reports say that the common denominator appears to be that after eating hot dogs that the supply and demand for a position on the CROWN increased big time... RADIO VOICE FEMALE ...We are not trying to make light of the situation BUTT! ... Customers start laughing while others giggle RADIO VOICE MALE With that I think we better run... 49 10D INT - TRAINING ROOM - AFTERNOON 10D Eagle group is waiting for FENZEL. In one area TODD and JENNY sit alone whispering to each other. RAUL and TARA stand giggling and laughing with each other. BEN sits with RANDY and KIM LEE. BEN This meeting better be worth delaying my fourth of July weekend. My homies and me have places to be RANDY I know what you mean jellybean FENZEL enters the room as the chattering group notices that he is not his jovial self. He makes his way to the front of the room FENZEL This meeting is about GAMEDOGS. RAUL What's the line on the GAMEDOGS? Don't tell me ZIP was involved. KIM LEE Excuse me but what does GAMEDOGS have to do with us. We don't make them! JENNY And I know we don't deliver them FENZEL That is true BUT our packaging was found near a discarded bottle of laxative in a trash can near a GAMEDOG process machine. What we don't know is how it got there and why TODD First it was the water and now hot dogs! Is it known if they are indeed related? What is it that we can do to help? FENZEL During your holiday weekend we will be investigating leads. Upon your return it will take a team effort to clear and restore our name. More importantly, we must do what we can to stop further attempts of anyone interfering with the American way of life 50 RANDY nods his head and swipes his face with his hand RANDY Could I just work through the holiday? My mom is occupied this weekend. I don't need to be paid I... FENZEL moves to his desk and sits on top of it. Pausing he looks at the hanging American flag then he addresses the group. FENZEL STOP! The company wants you to enjoy this special weekend. It's for all of our independence, that which others made the ultimate sacrifice and for which we must understand and appreciate to make sure your children have the same freedoms. Remember we have men and women stationed all over this world for us to ensure that privilege. BEN I got a brother in the Air Force. He's out at some town in Germany called Bitburg. It's a part of Spangdalem Air Force Base. FENZEL It's not only the men and woman in the military. We have intelligence, civilian workers, and agents scattered around the world. The ethnic, color, and nationality matters not as all efforts ensure we can enjoy our being American. BEN walks to RANDY and stands next to him as BEN changes plans BEN I got no one to hang with so let's you and me check out some things together. FENZEL Let's call it a wrap and see you later. He walks out of the room. RANDY extends his arms to hug BEN but the situation is awkward. BEN HEY NOW, you ain't from Texas are you? 51 9B EXT - PARKING LOT - AFTERNOON 9B TODD is driving through the parking lot and sees JENNY having car trouble. He pulls into the parking space next to her. She speaks to him JENNY I was heading back to my reservation My car won't start and now I'm stranded. TODD Is there anything I can do? I can't fix it but I can give you a lift JENNY To my apartment? TODD Anywhere, I always wanted to see a real life Indian reservation, especially if it means we could spend some time together. JENNY Do you think that would be a good idea? TODD I can't think of anything better, can you? JENNY smiles shyly but nods her approval as TODD shuts the hood. TODD opens the door for JENNY as she enters his vehicle. On the other side of the parking lot RAUL walks with TARA to her car. RAUL Well I hope you have a good weekend It seems like it will be a long time... TARA ...It doesn't have to be that way. TARA moves closer causing RAUL to smile TARA Are you trying to get fresh with me? RAUL No way! TARA SI WAY! RAUL and TARA look at each other each with a knowing grin. 52 TARA I was thinking maybe if you wanted to you might consider spending time together. RAUL Well, ...I don't know. Let me think about it TARA 's smile disappears and is replaced with wide eyes of amazement as she places her hands on her hips. TARA I promise I won't practice my Spanish! RAUL puts her finger to his lip as if thinking. TARA smiles and reaches for his finger gently holding it as she puts his hand down while maintaining her grip. RAUL If that's the case, I think I can fit you in. But you have to let me help you with your Spanish. 7A INT - CHINATOWN - AFTERNOON 7A KIM LEE is pacing at the door twirling the keys to lock up. FATHER is at his desk and closes his finance books. KIM LEE FATHER you know it's the fourth of July. We must go soon or we will be late. Her FATHER rises from his chair and moves to the door KIM LEES' FATHER Are you sure you prefer not to be with your friends rather than an old man KIM LEE moves to her father and grabs him by the arm KIM LEE It has been for years, a tradition, that you and I spend this day together. I can think not of a better way to spend such an important day than to be with my father KIM LEES' FATHER I see a wise man as taught you well KIM LEE and FATHER smile as they hurry out the door. 53 38 EXT - MANNS CHINESE THEATER - AFTERNOON 38 TARA and RAUL stand near one another as they look at different hand and feet impressions. RAUL is dressed in a nice shirt and pressed slacks. RAUL is excited at the names that he is discovering. RAUL I can't believe all of these people were right here where I stand or that they walked along a red carpet there for movie premieres TARA You act as if is your first time... RAUL This is my FIRST time ever. I can't believe I live in a city where I don't visit the sites that millions travel hundreds of miles to see. RAUL excitedly scampers about quickly among the approximately 160 signatures, hand and footprints encased in concrete in the entry court. TARA watches and walks up to RAUL, as she looks him in the eye. TARA You're so sweet, Let me show you something else over by the entrance TARA grabs him by the hand heading towards the theater entrance She stops between two tall columns. TARA I believe these are the two authentic columns that propped up a MING DYHASTY temple. Hey let's check out some other places. TARA leads him away as RAUL keeps looking back at the impressions on the ground. Tourists in the crowd take photos. . 30A EXT - CORNER (LA) - AFTERNOON 30A BEN stands on the corner with MADDOG and KOOLAID pondering plans for the holiday. MADDOG What you mean you got plans? MADDOG flashes BEN a menacing frown 54 BEN DOG, I ain't got no issue with you. Just that I promised this guy from ZIP that we could hang and watch the works KOOLAID At least tell me he's a brother BEN I don't need to justify a thing to you. But for you 411, he's a white man MADDOG You falling off... real bad...BAD! BEN Things are cool. I'm still rooted KOOLAID Let's you and me boogie. I don't need a sign to tell me when I'm not needed. BEN'S friends move on down the street leaving him alone. BEN Good, you can't read anyway 39 EXT - CRIT RESERVATION MUSEUM - DAY 39 JENNY leads TODD into the Indian museum directly to the pottery and basket weaving displays. Other tribal members look at them together. JENNY acknowledges their presence as TODD quickly scans a leaflet. JENNY looks around and gently pulls TODD away. JENNY Oh TODD, look at this. It is pottery and weaving by members of my family TODD They're impressive. I understand that your reservation is made up of four different Indian tribes. JENNY is taken aback of TODD'S knowledge JENNY I'm impressed, you have been doing your homework. And yes, there is Mohave tribe of which I am one. The other three tribes are Navajo, Hopi and Chemehuevis. 55 TODD How can four tribes coexist? JENNY Just like off the rez. We can have differences but in the end we all have to get along TODD On television the different tribes always fight JENNY in her best British impression JENNY Can't always believe everything you read or see on the telly can you now? TODD bowls over in laughter then rising up with his nose sniffing in the air. He turns to JENNY TODD What is that great smell? JENNY Every Fourth of July ALL tribal members have a giant barbecue. The elders are recognized. Later we will go down to the Casino area for the fireworks. TODD I didn't realize that reservations were so independent and advanced. JENNY Most reservations have their own laws, police, courts. Many non-Indians work here and on all reservations across the country it has been so even before the casinos. 40 HOLLYWOOD BOWL - TWI-NIGHT 40 Hordes of people make their way into the bowl. BEN is standing outside looking at his watch at the front entrance. He is admiring his slick dress clothes when he hears his name being called out BEN...BEN. BEN looks to the sound and sees the head of RANDY BEN I thought you got lost RANDY comes out from around the crowd with one arm behind him. HE is dressed in outdated disco attire. BEN stops in his tracks 56 RANDY I'm sorry I was running late. Mom was coughing and getting sick But she went out anyway. I thought you wouldn't wait any longer. You think I look all right for disco? BEN just stares at RANDY as RANDY models his clothing and from behind his back pulls out a curly haired wig he sets on his head. BEN Oh yeah, you look sharp, real sharp For this I would have waited days. BEN places his hand over his eyes for a moment then shakes his head. BEN walks to RANDY and lets out a smile. RANDY stands modeling his gaudy clothes as BEN walks around him. RANDY lets out a wide grin believing that BEN is impressed with his get up. BEN Hey, we better get in to get good seats 41 EXT - DODGER STADIUM - NIGHT 41 KIM LEE and her FATHER reach their aisle. People stand as her FATHER passes nodding his head to each person. A small black boy holds out a small American flag for KIM LEE'S FATHER. He stops and looks at the flag and then at the boy and the boy's father. The boy and his father both nod. KIM LEE'S FATHER looks at her who smiles an approval. The boy gleams as he still holds out the flag. KIM LEE'S FATHER somewhat uncertain slowly reaches for it. He grabs the flag when his hand inadvertently touching the young boy's hand momentarily. KIM LEE'S FATHER I shall keep this flag forever, thank you He brings the flag closer to his face staring at it. The boy breaks out in a brighter smile as his father puts his arm on his son's shoulder. KIM LEE'S FATHER moves to and sits at his seat staring at the flag. He looks up after a moment and sees a hot dog vendor. KIM LEE'S FATHER I see hot dog man, would you like? KIM LEE notices the vendor's label - GAMEDOG KIM LEE Father, I think I will pass on that. Would you like for me to run for Chinese? Her FATHER rises and waves the small American flag. His spirits lifting. 57 KIM LEE'S FATHER This is American baseball on the 4th of July. People eat hot dog, See firework. Enjoy flag. Be with family, one you love. KIM LEE Father, you are so right, A daughter with her father on such a day. You can not ask for much more KIM LEE hugs her father. Her eyes moisten as she admires him. She understands now why she loves him so. 42 INT - CAR ON RODEO DRIVE - NIGHT 42 TARA slowly creeps along pleasantly lid Beverly Hills famous Rodeo Drive. Along the drive people walk or window-shop at well renowned businesses. Some folks simply people watch as many stand on street corners taking photos. Inside the car she and RAUL are immersed in conversation and laughter as they pass well lid luxurious shops. 43 EXT - CRIT BLUE WATER CASINO - NIGHT 43 JENNY and TODD sit outside the Colorado River Indian Tribes Blue Water Casino as they look out at the boat docks. Boats with lighted displays slowly pass along the river as others dock. Sparklers light up the darkness along the water and from boats. People and children, some carrying lawn chairs, hurriedly pass the couple on their way to wait to the firework display. TODD I had no idea your casino is so beautiful. The waterslides inside, multi-level pools, Then there's the exercise room. My room is spacious and nice and has a baloney that overlooks the water JENNY moves closer to TODD and glances into his eyes JENNY My family liked you very much that is important to me. TODD reaches for JENNY'S hand as he stares into her eyes. TODD It is important to me that YOU like me. I think of you all the time, at work, at home... JENNY stops TODD with her finger to his mouth. 58 JENNY ...I too think of you. Let's enjoy tonight. Things will work out for themselves if they are meant to be. TODD Not only are you beautiful you're so smart. JENNY moves to front and center to TODD JENNY Sometimes one just needs to enjoy what they have in front of them... TODD gently pulls her closer to within inches of him TODD ...To capture and live the moment for as long as possible. When you're with me your beauty make me look so much better. TODD puts his arms across her shoulders and around her neck. He kisses her softly. She withdraws momentarily before she allows his kiss to continue by leaning towards him. The fireworks explode nearby into the dark skies. 40A EXT - HOLLYWOOD BOWL - NIGHT 40A Fireworks explosions and displays on the ground continue. A huge lighted American flag is displayed to the thunderous roar of the crowd. BEN doesn't attempt to mask his excitement with the buzz in the air and the huge display of fireworks. BEN THIS is something else! RANDY looks out open-mouthed watching in awe at the colors displayed on the flag until he sees a disabled veteran wearing a military cap with his hand on his heart. RANDY closes his mouth and stares at the man while maintaining a look of pride and utmost respect towards the man. RANDY That's what THIS is all about RANDY and BEN both look over at the disabled veteran whose deep-rooted pride is not mistaken. 59 41A EXT - DODGER STADIUM - NIGHT 41A Fireworks continue to explode and light the dark skies causing a delightful response. KIM LEE looks at her father's grin as he eats a GAMEDOG watching the fireworks and waving his American flag high in the air. She smiles aware her father is enjoying their time together. 44 EXT - SANTA MONICA PIER - NIGHT 44 The lights of the amusement rides and shops along the Santa Monica pier provide a backdrop as TARA and RAUL walk along the wooden planks. They hold hands as they jointly carry a balloon. She munches on cotton candy as he eats on a charro. They stop along a railing look across the ocean as they put their arms around each other. In the distance, along the shoreline fireworks can be seen pounding the sky with each colorful explosion. 22A EXT - PARK - NIGHT 22A Sparklers flash as Hispanic kids run in circles. Hispanic adult males watch fireworks in the distance, miles away. Hispanic women tend to the picnic table cleaning off the table JOSE I The fourth of July ...what a wonderful day for the American people. A day of picnics, families, kids playing, JOSE II A day to be proud not only to be American. But a day to be happy just to be IN America. living in America. I just wish I, like MARIA, could stand proud as an American Reaching into a cooler JOSE I pulls out a Corona beer. He starts to hand out beers to the other males MIGUEL I think of this day, when this country celebrates its independence. The people of America should be able to enjoy their country, their free time, their families. JOSE I I am starting to have regrets The males become silent and put their beer down. They lower their heads with the sight of exploding fireworks in the distance. 60 10C INT - TRAINING ROOM - MORNING 10C Eagle group members stand around exchanging pleasantries. Some make their way to their seats and sit down to wait. FENZEL enters the room like a man on a mission. The group looks at him and they become quiet knowing that they are there for a reason. FENZEL Welcome back to ZIP. I trust you all had a good and memorable time. A chorus of yeah, it was great FENZEL The last time we met it was our concern that someone, perhaps somebody at ZIP was using us as a method to their madness, as a way for them to place an obstruction in the path of the American way of life. RANDY Did you get results? An obvious exasperated supervisor answers FENZEL While you were away the company tried to find answers. We could not pinpoint it. Each of you will be asked to be on the look out. We need to find who is misusing ZIP. We have a chance to prevent or maybe stop further misdeeds. Are you with me? Eagle member stand one by one and hold hands in unison. 16B INT - DISPATCH ROOM - MORNING 16B RAUL piles boxes and files of paperwork near his desk. He stops to fold up his shirtsleeves. Sweat pours from his forehead as he wipes his face with a towel. TARA walks in and smiles until realizing that RAUL has not noticed her yet. TARA Mi amor, will you be ready for lunch? RAUL looks up and sees her at the doorway. He smiles. RAUL I'm sorry I have a lead I'm working on. 61 TARA Look I can have a pizza delivered and I can help you if you tell me what to do. RAUL O.k. Order pizza THEN get to work...PLEASE 17B INT - COMPUTER ROOM - MORNING 17B KIM LEE is consumed with work on the computer as she rapidly pounds the keyboard. The screen displays charts, graphs and routes. KISHA comes into KIM LEE'S space and looks over her shoulder. KISHA You got to eat something. I know I can't pry you away from that thing so I will run out for some sandwiches. Is roast beef ok? KIM LEE doesn't look up or pause as she keeps at her keyboard typing. KISHA flips a pen on a pad of paper waiting for an acknowledgement. Finally, KIM LEE, without missing a beat, responds. KIM LEE I think I am getting close to finding out some important information. No mayo! KISHA walks away laughing and shaking her head. 26A INT - MALL OF AMERICA - NIGHT 26A A staggered crowd mingles in the mall as some customers shop while others just walk around or just wait around for their companion. A smaller crowd gathers at a department store audio display. RADIO ...Some good news for America... There have been no further reports of any type of interruptions in the American way of life. Soccer teams have completed games. Malls are back to normal except for those reports of humans with blue spiked hair... Slight laughter from the crowd as the crowd looks at a young couple with blue spiked colored hair. RADIO ...Washington D.C. has offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for the recent disruptions across this fine land of ours... 62 45 INT - BEN'S HOUSE - NIGHT 45 BEN closes his door after entering his house. He turns to see his mother lying on the living room floor. She is almost motionless. BEN rushes to her side immediately checking her pulse then her heart. He is shaken at the sight of this unresponsive strong woman. BEN Mama, what's wrong? You're not sounding too good The fear in BEN"S face obvious he eases away from his mother and rushes to the phone and dials 911. The phone simply rings. RING...RING...RING. He hangs up and dials another number. BEN Where are you Uncle BILLY? Dam it! Don't be getting high again BEN slams down the phone. He runs his hands across his face. BEN'S MOTHER BEN...BEN is that you boy BEN turns and sees his mother having difficulty breathing on the floor. He rushes to her side and helps her lean against a sofa. BEN urgently speaks to his mother BEN I tried to call Uncle Billy for a ride to the hospital but no one answered BEN'S MOTHER He's a bum. You are a good son. This place needs men like you. BEN I think you should go to the hospital cause it could be something bad BEN'S MOTHER Don't worry about me none, I'm just an old lady. Besides we got no car and no ambulance dares to come in this area. BEN thinks for a moment and runs to his room. Moments later he returns with a piece of paper. He runs to the phone with the paper. He dials. RING... RING...Sound of phone being picked up BEN It's BEN...I need your help, mama's ill 63 BEN stands with the phone in his hand as he turns to his mother. BEN He's on his way. He will be right over. He's on his way, my friend... RANDY 46 INT - HOSPITAL - NIGHT 46 Hospital waiting area in jammed with people, mostly of color of all races and nationalities. Entrance doors to the emergency room open KIM LEE and KISHA race inside. They rush to a corner in the waiting room. TODD and JENNY hover around a sitting but anxious RANDY. RANDY I didn't mean for all of you to interrupt your night. I just was sitting here thinking of my mom and I just needed to talk so I called. BEN is still back there with his mom. KIM LEE soothes the concerned mind of RANDY KIM LEE You did the right thing by calling. I'm just sorry I couldn't be here earlier. KISHA and I got here as soon as we heard. TODD She's right no one should have to go through this alone when you know there are people who cares about what happens. JENNY We're a team remember. Nothing is that important that we couldn't be here for BEN AND for you. From around a corner, doors open. BEN exits into the waiting area. His face is riddled with pain but does a double take when he sees the group. Suddenly all move to converge on BEN who talks to RANDY. BEN Thank you, I mean it... thank you! BEN and RANDY break their handshake as BEN addresses the group. BEN The doctors said it we had waited much longer that mama most likely would not have made it. RANDY came through when I needed him most. He's the MAN. 64 47 INT - FEDERAL BUILDING - Washington D.C. - MORNING 47 In a darkened room an agitated supervisor points to a slide on a screen that shows the ZIP packaging. At a large table a group of men and women dressed in suits are sitting as they listen attentively. SUPERVISOR Per series of events across the country affecting water, our investigation uncovered incidents at the Mall of America, playing fields and amusement parks WITH this package...ZIP! A slim black haired, young looking woman agent speaks up. AGENT NORWOOD Isn't that the common denominator in all of these water cases? Some type of ZIP package. The lights go on with all agents wearing dark sunglasses. SUPERVISOR Yes, that is correct agent NORWOOD. Agents at the table review notes diligently. The SUPERVISOR strolls to front and center. SUPERVISOR I don't know if someone doesn't trust the U.S. postal service for prompt delivery or maybe just has a discount with ZIPS, but besides the water venues, there is the matter of the ballparks also having plumbing problems. We need to find out if there is a connection, Perhaps even an inside job. AGENT NORWOOD Why don't we insert a plant? Start at the ZIP location in Los Angeles. 10F INT - ZIP TRAINING ROOM - DAY 10F Eagle members, minus BEN, converse among themselves. The door opens and FENZEL walks in with a slim young looking blonde haired female. The undercover agent is wearing a mini skirt with a tight halter-top. The group becomes silent as they stare at her. FENZEL Attention Eagle members, management has insisted on a temporary replacement for BEN while he tends to his mother's needs. This is SALLY. Please welcome her. 65 SALLY waves hello. The men in the group try to divert any interests they may have at her appearance. The females in the group take a glimpse at SALLY before staring straight at their male interests to ensure eyes don't wander. SALLY speaks in a bad valley girl tone SALLY Like hello to all of you. Let me be the first to say how sad it is to hear about BEN'S mother. Please don't feel that I'm a threat. SALLY scans the group to determine which person she will focus on FENZEL Do I have a volunteer who can show SALLY around so she doesn't get lost? Eyes are riveted upon each other and their respective interests. Only RANDY is brave enough to raise his hand. FENZEL recognizes the situation and speaks up. FENZEL KIM LEE thank you for volunteering The males in the group let out an audible sound of relief. The interested females simply smile. RANDY looks around confused as he lowers his hand to his side. 16C INT - DISPATCH ROOM - AFTERNOON 16C TARA gathers her personals along with a couple of pizza boxes. RAUL is reviewing a bundle of papers. The door opens with KIM LEE and SALLY entering the room as SALLY flips her long hair to the side. KIM LEE Sorry I hope we're not interrupting anything? SALLY this is RAUL and TARA. TARA, upon seeing SALLY, with sleuth like moves positions herself next to RAUL in an obviously he's taken posture. A buzzer sounds. SALLY Oh what does that nice little sound mean? TARA with her hands on her hips responds TARA It means that lunch is over and employees need to get to their assigned duties. SALLY, her attention focused on RAUL, runs her hand through her hair and flips her hair to the side again in an apparent flirtatious mode. 66 SALLY Well then, shouldn't you be on you way? I don't have any duties YET KIM LEE'S rolls her eyes at the sound of the catfight. TARA leans over blowing a kiss to RAUL. He realizes that he better catch it quickly and responds accordingly. He lets out a sly grin. TARA moves to the door with the pizza boxes as SALLY smiles. SALLY Eating pizza can make you FAT...TER! KIM LEE lets out a sound of surprise before speaking to cover TARA KIM LEE Oh on certain days TARA goes to each duty station with a box of pizza during lunch hour when we get too busy. Just like today RAUL seeing that TARA'S eyes are moistening stands up. SALLY responds by straightening herself while displaying a broad smile. RAUL ignores SALLY as he pushes his papers aside and walks over to TARA. He kisses her lips long and hard as KIM LEE lets out a knowing smile. SALLY pouts as TARA proudly exits the room. 46A INT - HOSPITAL ROOM - AFTERNOON 46A BEN sits next to his mother admiring her courage as she fights her illness. She opens her eyes and turns her head to see him. BEN'S MOTHER Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else? BEN jumps out of his seat and hugs his mother. BEN A son gotta take care of his mama. Besides I'm not going no where until I make sure you're gonna be fine BEN'S MOTHER Well I'm fine so you're just wasting your time sitting here tidying your thumbs. BEN But mama.... BEN'S MOTHER But mama nothing, I'm an old grown woman. The doctor says I'm fine, I feel fine and I am a looking fine. 67 BEN breaks his first smile in awhile time knowing now his mother is going to be medically cured. BEN You sure are sounding like your good mama BEN'S MOTHER You need to get back to your job son. Do what is right for you. Don't you worry about me none. I'm like one of those ships at Pearl Harbor, I can take a beating but nobody is gonna sink me until I'm a ready BEN presents her with flowers inserted into a vase. BEN These have been sitting here for you. They're from my friends at work. Her huge smile begins to wade as she suddenly gets serious. BEN'S MOTHER Son, I just have to ask you. Was I a dreaming or something cause the last thing I remember was seeing someone helping you get me off the floor... ...A big clumsy white boy 17C INT - COMPUTER ROOM - AFTERNOON 17C RANDY approaches the cubicle where KIM LEE is busy working on her tracker code project. She motions for him to come to her. KIM LEE Any word when BEN is coming back? RANDY It might be real soon since he says his mama told him to get back to work. He wants back saying you have a lead KIM LEE Good! I need to know if he did his part. RANDY Hey, is this something I should know about? KISHA peeks from behind her partition KISHA It's on a need to know basis, sorry! 68 RANDY What! Everyone knows except me. Does blondie know? KIM LEE The jury is still out on her because there is something fake about her. For now Mr. FENZEL is training her so that I can get back to my duties 21A EXT - ZIP CAR POOL - MORNING 21A The car pool area is busy with employees doing their chores. TARA rounds a corner in her golf car with refreshments. She stops nearby where two Hispanic males appear to be conversing in a somewhat animated manner. They pause and walk to her cart where they talk in Spanish. TARA waits for them to request an item. 141 Da nada (it's nothing), she's gringa Meda, hey GORDITA! TARA lets them believe that she doesn't understand but her attention is now riveted to this conversation 141 (Spanish) Someone from ZIP has to get the packages from here, to the alterations and back on route. 141 smiles puffing his chest out. Both look at TARA but ignore her. 141 (Spanish) It's a local operation, grass roots. TARA acts busy and hides her Spanish knowledge learned from her time with RAUL. Finally 141 turns to TARA as he speaks in English 141 What are you waiting for? Take our order and make yourself useful I'll take a cold drink. 141 turns back to his co worker and speaks in English 141 Just people who are trying to be American but get turned down on red tape so they are fed up with the American way of life and those who take it for granted. 69 TARA provides his drink as 141 continues to talk 141 I'm going to quit this gig soon enough TARA jumps back into the cart racing off. 12B INT - BREAK ROOM - MORNING 12B TODD and JENNY sit close together eating a snack and sharing a beverage. RANDY, KIM LEE and RAUL are playing cards when TARA rushes in frantically and in an excited tone calls out TARA I think I got something! TARA goes to TODD whom seems very concerned at her anxiety. The group all gathers around her. TARA There's this guy out in the car pool talking about ZIP and the interruption with the American way of life. He seemed to be bragging like if everybody only knew what he knows. JENNY Are you sure you heard him acurately? TARA Well he was talking mostly Spanish RANDY That's right you used to work at the United Nations interpreting TODD NO! She actually IS getting pretty good with all the time she is spending with RAUL TODD looks over at RAUL like a big brother does while everyone else smiles at the situation. RAUL WHAT! KIM LEE What gives? RAUL Come on, we're just friends! 70 The group gives a knowing look that there's more to the story. RAUL She shows me around and I help her with her Spanish. She is really good... WHAT! ...At understanding...It 47A INT - FEDERAL BUILDING - NIGHT 47A A long blonde wig is thrown on the table surrounded by agents. A female agent stands walking to the podium. AGENT NORWOOD All of these people have summer jobs with no promise of anything permanent AGENT NORWOOD flips to a slide show displaying RANDY AGENT NORWOOD They are a tight group called Eagle. For some reason they are reluctant to let me into their circle. The agents at the table all nod. AGENT NORWOOD This first slide is of RANDY. He works in the loading area running a fork lift. What I can gather, he lives in a rather dilapidated mobile home with an alcoholic mother The next slide shows BEN AGENT NORWOOD This is BEN, on its face he would seem to be a threat, a black male... The agents glance at agent NORWOOD over their dark sunglasses AGENT NORWOOD ...and he comes from the inner city... Interests from other agents perk up as their mouths savor the thought AGENT NORWOOD ...But he seems to be conforming, he's been at his mother's bedside throughout an illness. He wants out of the wayward world of gangs. He's been assisting in the community getting much kudos for his volunteer work. 71 Agents at table let out a collective sigh of sorrow. TARA'S slide is next AGENT NORWOOD She's TARA, both she and her brother TODD work at ZIP. He is solid, an all American executive type. She on the other hand is a walking advertisement for what's wrong with blondes. Cute but dumb. AGENT NORWOOD turns off the slide to a white screen AGENT NORWOOD Of interests is that she toys with the Spanish language AND seems to have a close relation with RUAL, a co-worker, and of Hispanic descent. SUPERVISOR She could be a sympathizer to some third world cause. Perhaps we should pay closer attention to them without blowing cover. AGENT NORWOOD One other thing, there is a rumor that Eagle group may have a lead and perhaps even a leg up on solving this crisis SUPERVISOR Well then, chop-chop, let's make sure some young summer interns don't outsmart U.S. intelligence. Some federal agencies have already put us back ten-fold. 10G INT - TRAINING ROOM - MORNING 10G The group is sitting together with SALLY seated alone. MR. FENZEL enters the room and is about to speak. MR. FENZEL Eagle group, and SALLY, I would like to introduce you to an old friend. MR. FENZEL extends his arm towards the door. The group mutters with anticipation. Finally through the door enters BEN with a giant smile. SALLY observes as the group mobs and hugs BEN. RANDY has stayed back watching until BEN realizes that RANDY is missing. BEN moves to RANDY and attempts an awkward hug that fails BEN Thanks to you, mama is going to be fine The group cheers causing RANDY to blush. SALLY takes note. 72 18B INT - LOADING AREA - AFTERNOON 18B BEN is busy watching his tracking and loading machines. KIM LEE enters his work area surprising him. KIM LEE Welcome back, have you been updated? BEN Yeah, RANDY let me in on what's going on What's with the new girl? KIM LEE She was suppose to be a temp for you but now I hear she may stay on a bit longer. BEN She looks hot but is she cool? KIM LEE She's different, like she's not real, maybe she's a policewoman BEN No she's not five O. She's not local. Maybe she's CIA, or FBI Hey, how's your tracking code working? KIM LEE That's why I'm here, I couldn't track without knowing which codes you attached to which packages. I needed the numbers and only you knew. BEN goes to a filing cabinet and unlocks it. He pulls out a logbook. BEN It's time for a meeting of Eagle group. 21B EXT - CAR POOL - AFTERNOON 21B SALLY is walking alone in the car pool area. She notices a group of Hispancic workers gathering. They seem to encircle one worker. SALLY decides to inconspicuously try to get close enough to listen. She notes that the worker surrounded is worker 141. The gathering breaks upon noticing SALLY'S proximity to them. Worker 141 walks in SALLY'S direction and asks in a rather stern manner 141 You were looking for something lady? 73 SALLY feigns confusion and embarrassment SALLY I was told that the refreshment girl was out here refreshing the staff and I thought I would get refreshed 141 She's not here. She takes a break about this time of the day 12C INT - BREAK ROOM - AFTERNOON 12C RANDY closes the door to the break room. Members of Eagle group hover around one of the tables. BEN begins to brief his cohorts. BEN As most of you know KIM LEE is one smart cookie, she has created and developed a new tracking device for packages. The problem is IS that ZIP is not aware of this. We have attached a couple of her tracking codes on a few packages of two route drivers. JENNY Was this at random? BEN No, RAUL, in dispatch had mentioned that he was wondering if perhaps some drivers had been assigned too many packages on certain routes since there were a couple of drivers whom seemed to be lost, off course and or late on deliveries. KIM LEE BEN has told me about this but the computer couldn't pin point anything with the present tracking method. At the same time I was experimenting with a tracking project in my spare time. We put two and two together. TODD anxiously wants to know TODD Does it work or not? KIM LEE We couldn't actually test it because BEN was gone and I needed certain numbers to input. 74 RANDY Well we're back as a team so as those Frenchies say- "one for all, all for one, or whatever those famous words are. Everyone stops and stares at RANDY JENNY I believe he's saying that with BEN back we are again a team, united as one. TODD Don't forget my sister overheard someone in the car pool talking about the American way of life. Can there be a connection? 11C INT - RENTAL HOUSE KITCHEN - NIGHT 11C At the kitchen table a group of men are playing cards. A man wearing brown steel-toed boots walks up to the kitchen table and smacks JOSE II on the back of the head. JOSE ll Hey, mi amigo why are you hitting me? The voice of the person wearing the brown steel-toed boots speaks STEEL-TOED PERSON I hear through the grapevine that your primo at ZIP is doing a lot of talking, bragging about knowing things ARMANDO I hear the same thing that people say he speaks like a woman, gossiping. JOSE II Don't worry! No one will know about the deliveries to you or of your skills. STEEL-TOED PERSON Yeah, I hear that the government may have agents infiltrating ZIP trying to solve this case. ARMANDO JOSE says he's been told that the only new people at ZIP are the summer kids and some confused blonde lady. 75 12D INT - BREAK ROOM - LUNCH 12D BEN and RANDY are at a table. BEN is showing RANDY some papers. Mr. FENZEL walks in heading for the soda machine. BEN motions for him to come to their table while other Eagle member gather. BEN I, well KIM LEE, and I have an idea how someone might have been able to use ZIP without being detected under the present tracking system RANDY stands and shows the piles of paperwork RANDY They've been working on this idea and I believe they know what happened. FENZEL picks up his soda and opens it, taking a drink. FENZEL I didn't expect such results so fast On the other hand you guys are special. TODD Well the legalities of their tracking device may be dubious since it was not authorized but hey, we're in a national crisis and the reputation of ZIP is at issue JENNY Not to mention our reputation, there is a rumor that there was never a problem until Eagle group was hired this summer. Thus the innuendo is that we might be using ZIP to interrupt the American way of life. FENZEL knowing that the group needs reassuring stands to speak. FENZEL Such innuendo is incredulous. Look, I have known this group over the summer. I have watched you closely. I can honestly say that I have never known a more dedicated group of young men and women as you all have demonstrated day in and day out. I will stake my job, my reputation and the farm on you that no one in this group is involved in interrupting the American way of life. FENZEL pauses for a moment to clear his throat 76 FENZEL I believe in the youth of America and I do believe in each one of you. 9C EXT - ZIP PARKING LOT - LATE AFTERNOON 9C RAUL is wearing sunglasses as he sits at the wheel of his friend's low rider. BEN sits next to him as TARA and RANDY accompanies them in the back seat. TARA points out two males walking towards their car. VOICE You have got to sample these frijoles that the espousal of my primo makes TARA Ok that's him! That 's the one I heard talking in Spanish RAUL That's 141, I recognize the voice and the story about the beans. BEN Let's follow that sucker, he be making ZIP look bad to the world. Hey, ain't he one of the ones that... RAUL ...FENZEL says that 141 is on probation And he IS one of the ones. RANDY Why don't we follow him? He might lead us to some vital information. They watch as 141 enters a car and begins to exit the parking lot. They pull out of their spot to follow. They fail to notice a large dark sedan pull out being driven by a large male sitting next to agent NORWOOD without the blonde wig. 17D INT - COMPUTER ROOM - TWI-LIGHT 17D KIM LEE glances at the displayed graphs on her screen. The graph shows two lines with starting points in the loading area where her tracking code was attached by BEN. One line of the graph is interrupted at an unspecified location in East Los Angeles. The interrupted line then continues to LAX, the international airport of Los Angeles. The second line shows the direct route from ZIP to LAX. KISHA approaches her cubicle as KIM LEE acknowledges her. 77 KISHA Gonna work late again. KIM LEE That will be good since I don't know how much longer I will be working... KISHA GIRL STOP! You ain't going nowhere. They're not about to let go a computer whiz. KIM LEE rushes back to her graphic and inserts a different code number for a separate package. Again the lines form the same pattern of interruption and then to the airport. She repeats this procedure a third time with the same results. 31 INT - CAFé - NIGHT 31 TODD and JENNY sit close to each other in a booth inside a café. As JENNY sips her lemonade, TODD puts out his cell phone and dials. The phone rings RING, RING until the phone is answered TODD Say, what are you doing tonight? JENNY and I are kicking back and I was wondering where you were? VOICE OF TARA It's exciting, we are following 141. TODD WHY? And who's with you? VOICE OF TARA It's me, RAUL, BEN and RANDY. RAUL says we're in East L.A., wherever that is! TODD You guys need back up? Call me if there is a problem Where's KIM LEE? 17E INT - COMPUTER ROOM - NIGHT 17E KIM LEE reviews her notes and her graphs. She compares the route driver and her expression of surprise is revealing at the match. The screen begins flashing numbers of all of the comparisons. The janitor has entered the room so before she can ascertain which route driver KIM LEE pushes her print out button for all the graphs. 78 48 EXT - EAST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE- NIGHT 48 RAUL notices that a dark sedan has been following him. He observes that the white occupants are misplaced in this area of town. At the same time RAUL sees 141 turn down a darkened side street off of Avienda Cesar Chavez, near East Los Angeles College. The car is slowing down. RAUL catches a glimpse of the street name while he chooses to maneuver and lose the sedan following him. BEN Hey he turns that away and you are going this way, what's up? RAUL consistent observation of the rear view mirror says it all. As the other occupants coyly glance back to observe the sedan. In the sedan, agent NORWOOD is visibly upset. She smacks her notepad. AGENT NORWOOD Damn it! They made us. After a few maneuvers and side streets RAUL is able to lose his tail. The sedan comes to a sudden halt. AGENT NORWOOD Let's recap, you let them make us. Then you lost the lead vehicle And now you lost the kids. 49 EXT - EAST LOS ANGELES NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT RAUL pulls to a stop at the intersection where he last saw 141 turn on and slow. Dimming his headlights he drives slowly down the same street. A number of cars are parked in the driveway and on the street in front of a residence. RANDY notices the vehicle that 141 drove. RANDY Look there it is in the driveway. TARA with a frightened look on her face sticks her head up long enough to write down the address to the residence. People in and around the area take note of the darkened slow moving vehicle. BEN We better get going, they may be thinking this is a drive by or something. RAUL drives a short distance before turning on the headlights. He speeds off before turning at the corner. 79 11D INT - RENTAL HOUSE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 11D The house is crowded with folks listening to Mexican music. Next to a coffee table sits worker 141. He is in a joyful mood as he enjoys the sights and sounds around him. The person with brown steel-toed boots enters the room and goes directly to the coffee table and stands. 141 Hey you're blocking my view. STEEL-TOED PERSON Where I stand is not important. I understand it is you who works at ZIP? 141 Yes, how do you know that? STEEL-TOED PERSON leans over to prevent eavesdropping. STEEL-TOED PERSON I hear and see many things that concern me 141 How is it that I concern you? Perhaps you didn't receive the package you were suppose to? The person with the steel-toed boots bends closer to whisper STEEL-TOED PERSON I did receive the packages that you drop off 141 So that's who you are, what's the big secret that I couldn't meet you before? STEEL-TOED PERSON I can see why they say you talk too much. You had better hope that no one at ZIP has a clue of what has happened. 141 now realizes the severity of the matter and what it is that the person with the steel-toed boots is concerned with. His expression switches from joyful to that of fright. 141 Don't worry mi amigo, nothing has changed over the summer. They use the same old tracking method as before. They have no idea where I go. I just tell them off route and I stop for frijoles. 80 STEEL-TOED PERSON No one better find out about me because we have another idea to work out before the American people get too comfortable 12E INT - BREAK ROOM - MORNING 12E Eagle group members sit collectively as BEN speaks. BEN Our investigation has uncovered one of our probationary ZIP employees may be involved in the interruption of the American way of life what is happening across America. We followed him from work to some residence in East Los Angeles. RAUL says that the area is a haven for undocumented workers. TARA in her excited state volunteers TARA It really felt like being in another country with clothes hanging outside, I guess their dryer was broken. THEN there was that car following us until RAUL was able to shake them like the movies. THEN we creep along some dark street with no headlights on. People just looking at us like we're about to do a drive by! JENNY You guys could have got hurt! TODD Yeah, and we would end up with more temps like SALLY RAUL You know, there was a female in the car following us and she had a resemblance... KIM LEE ...I might as well interject now. Using my codes that BEN attached I was able to track movements of packages that ended up being compromised. These are those that BEN had placed my tracker codes on. RANDY Where you able to find out anything? 81 KIM LEE opens a manila envelope and spreads out computer print outs. She then points to the entry labeled route driver number. TODD They all say 141 BEN I knew it was that fool! KIM LEE Not only that but look at this. My graphs show that the intended route was diverted from with an alternate route. It was interrupted, each time, into East Los Angeles before heading directly to LAX. RAUL Can you pin point the street with that? KIM LEE I am working on a grid to increase the probability of locating the exact street. Right now Avienda Cesar Chavez is the closest I can get, near East L.A. College RANDY I pretty sure that I can think of a street. RANDY looks at his cohorts whom were in the car with him. They all acquiescence by nodding their head. 5D INT - MOBILE HOME - NIGHT 5D RANDY is hurrying around gathering items he sticks in a backpack. His mother watches nervously. RANDY ceases his movement to talk. RANDY I almost forgot to tell you that the tickets came in for our vacation. I can't tell you where yet but I can tell you that I soon as this job is over we're out of here. MOTHER This has been difficult! You making me stop my drinking. RANDY Doctors who told you about your liver and what could happen. But I am very proud of you cause I know it's hard for you. Just think of the trip. It won't be too long. 82 MOTHER I can't believe it that I am actually excited about you and me spending time together. Are you sure that you can afford it? RANDY is delighted as a broad smile flashes across his face. RANDY I can't afford NOT to. Hey, I got to run I'm meeting the guys 11E INT - RENTED HOME LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 11E Around the living room the group of males, including 141, sit with looks of disappointment. JOSE I The steel-toed one told me he is leaving the country right away. 141 How can that be? He just told me that there were plans for something to do cause it has been too calm for the Americans. JOSE II Can anything be done, to do something to get their attention without him? ARMANDO He only has the skills to rig the water parts, then his work had them running at the ballparks. I have an idea that I'm thinking about. 141 We need to change the drop off point cause I get this feeling that someone is watching us. 49A EXT - EAST LOS ANGELES NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT 49A A nondescript paneled van is parked a few houses down from the safe harbor residence. Inside AGENT NORWOOD has night goggles has she keeps the house under surveillance. 48A EXT - EAST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE - NIGHT 48A RAUL is parked out in front of the East Los Angeles College along Avienda Cesar Chavez with TARA, BEN, and RANDY. RAUL We doubled checked and 141 is there again. 83 BEN I don't think all those cars are there for bingo. And I dam sure don't see no Tupperware lady. RANDY We have to tell someone, the police. BEN I ain't telling no five-o nothing. Don't you watch the news? TARA TODD says we should call the Feds since this is a national matter affecting all Americans. RAUL He's right. We have all of the information. The surveillance, tracking codes, an insider. But we can't make the bust alone so who can, who do we trust? 12F INT - BREAK ROOM - MORNING 12F Eagle group members huddle around a table. SALLY enters the room as all eyes turn to her. SALLY I hear that you guys have a lead on an insider. I think I can help. RAUL looks at her closely, especially her blonde hair. RAUL I knew you weren't a real blonde. You're too smart. TODD starts laughing as he looks at TARA TODD Yeah, I know a real blonde RAUL So how did you know that? You don't have a big black sedan do you? SALLY/AGENT NORWOOD Look, I work for the federal government concerned with national security. The group rises from their seats. Each member stands to look at her. 84 RANDY You mean you're the FBI? CIA? SALLY removes her blonde wig to expose her natural black hair. RAUL It was you that was following us. SALLY/AGENT NORWOOD My name is AGENT NORWOOD. Summer is almost over and we need help. Initially we were concerned that RAUL... TARA immediately asserts herself to the front of the group. TARA NO WAY! RAUL is one of the most kindest person of anybody anywhere. BEN stands next to TARA and nods his head back and forth. BEN She's right, he's one of US! SALLY/AGENT NORWOOD Yes, we know. After you evaded our surveillance we have been back to the area and located 141 and the residence he often frequents. We know RAUL and all of you are GOOD. KIM LEE Well then, if that's the case, than maybe we can show you other information that we have. They slowly agree to KIM LEE'S proposal by raising their thumb up. After all are in agreement they escort AGENT NORWOOD to their table. 7B INT - CHINATOWN STORE - NIGHT 7B KIM LEE watches her father working hard on the books. His American flag from the ballpark sits on his desk. She approaches cautiously so as not to frighten him. Without looking up from his duties he speaks. KIM LEE'S FATHER What is it KIM LEE? She stops in her tracks shocked he is aware of her presence. He lifts his head and turns to face her. KIM LEE You appear to be busy, is this a bad time? 85 KIM LEE'S FATHER Come, I am not so unapproachable. A father should always have time for his children. These books are going nowhere and it is you that will be leaving the nest soon enough. KIM LEE So many things are happening around me, at work, my computer, I need the wisdom of a wise man, a father's advise. He removes his eyeglasses gently placing them on his desk. KIM LEE'S FATHER I see you are wise yourself to seek help. KIM LEE Well, let me start, I invented this new tracking method and BEN... 45A INT - BEN'S HOUSE - NIGHT 45A BEN enters his house and picks up the mail. A certified letter conspicuously sticks out. He tosses it on the table and yells out BEN MAMA, are you home? Listening for but receiving no response he retrieves the certified letter. He sits on a sofa and opens it. He reads out loud. BEN "Since you are reading this letter this means that I have passed on. You may only remember me as the needy elderly woman at the food bank week after week. I remember you as the gentleman who knows his place in this community. Recently I won in the lotto but my health was fading. I wanted to make sure that my luck is shared with someone who cares. I have seen and have heard that you are well groomed. Perhaps a hair saloon for gentlemen would serve this community well. To that end I have left you a building and a bit of start up funds. Please accept my offerings knowing that you have made a difference, contact will be made. elderly friend." 86 A deeply touched BEN carefully folds the letter and inserts it back into the envelope. His hand gently glides along his facial features. His eyes begin to become moist. 5E INT - MOBILE HOME - NIGHT 5E Moisten eyes of RANDY turn into tears as he stands stunned at the entrance of his mobile home. Across the room the vacation tickets showing Hawaii are laid on the table. His mother's motionless hand is next to them. He moves closer bending as he looks at the slight grin on her still face. When he is sure he stands erect and gently strokes her face with his hand knowing that she has peacefully passed on. 21C EXT - ZIP CAR POOL - MORNING 21C Zip employee 141 is tending to his duties as federal agents lead by AGENT NORWOOD take positions near his location effectively cutting off any chance of escape. Suddenly they spring into action upon AGENT NORWOOD signal. 141 is taken into custody as MR FENZEL watches from a distance. Eagle members rush to his spot to join him. They begin to celebrate by jumping and clapping. BEN Hey, MR. FENZEL where's RANDY? Anybody seen him? The group shakes their collective heads side to side. FENZEL speaks as the federal agents escort their prisoner past them MR. FENZEL Listen gather around here. I have some sad news to relay. Celebration stops as a look of extreme anxiety is plastered on faces. MR. FENZEL RANDY'S mother passed away last night BEN Oh no! He needs US Eagle group members weep gently for RANDY. 49B EXT - RENTED HOUSE (East LA neighborhood) - MORNING 49B Federal agents surround the residence. AGENT NORWOOD leads agents into the home through the batted down busted door. On the street, neighbors' scatter believing this is an INS raid. Agents reappear as they remove the group of males. All are handcuffed as JOSE I and JOSE II are brought out first. MIGUEL is escorted by other agents. 87 NEIGHBOR MALE Let them be, Gringo go home ARMANDO is silent as he is lead out with his head down. Onlookers' creep up for a closer look realizing this is not an INS raid. FEMALE NEIGHBOR Listen word is these are the scum responsible for the problems at the water parks, the malls and the ballparks all across America. The crowd of onlookers and neighbors are non-responsive until the informed neighbor starts clapping at the arrest. Other join in and react by shouts of scum, trader. Some simply raise fists in anger. At the street the arrested group are seated into the waiting patrol units. The responding media gathers as the onlookers congratulate the agents. Cheers of USA gently fills the air as the media capture the moment of an unlikely neighborhood caught up in the euphoria. 50 INT - ARIZONA MILLS MALL - TEMPE - AFTERNOON 85 A siren within the mall sounds as an announcement is about to be aired to the wandering patrons. MALL ANNOUNCER Please turn your attention to the monitors located throughout the Arizona Mills Mall for breaking news of national interest from Washington D.C. Customer hangs clothing while others begin exiting stores searching for the closest monitor. NEWS ON MONITOR Ladies and gentleman, it is safe to go back into the water. Federal authorities earlier today have apprehended suspects alleged to be involved in the interruption of this summer's, in America's way of life. More details as we get them. The mall explodes in happiness. Patrons express cheers of joy, even tears of relief. Kids are hugged as other dance. 47B INT - FEDERAL BUILDING - AFTERNOON 47B A horde of media types cluster around a podium waiting on a brief conference regarding the details of the arrest. 88 10H INT - ZIP TRAINING ROOM - AFTERNOON 10H Eagle members including RANDY wearing sunglasses gather together in anticipation of the news conference. TARA, JENNY, and KIM LEE tend to RANDY pain. JENNY Are you sure you're going to be all right RANDY I had to be here...SHE would have wanted... TODD ...Hold on, something is happening Silence falls as they all focus on the television screen as door open 47C INT - FEDERAL BUILDING - AFTEROON 47C From the opened door out steps AGENT NORWOOD who walks directly to the podium. AGENT NORWOOD My name is AGENT NORWOOD. I am the federal agent assigned to investigate this summer's events that hindered the joys of Americas' way of life. This nations' water parks, malls, youth fields, and ballparks across this great country were affected. In that capacity I went undercover within ZIP, the parcel delivery company, since we knew that packages processed there were somehow delivered compromised. FEMALE REPORTER Can you tell us about the arrests? Are these terrorists involved? AGENT NORWOOD We have arrested four men in connection with this summers events. More arrest are anticipated. Those arrested are NOT terrorists. They are without any terrorist alliances. FEMALE REPORTER What type of evidence do you have. AGENT NORWOOD looks over papers then at the reporter 89 AGENT NORWOOD I can't go into detail but I can ensure you that we have prints from the packages, some of the parts, bottles, and we have detailed tracking data of the compromised packages. FEMALE REPORTER ZIP was cooperative and not a suspect? AGENT NORWOOD ZIP was never a knowing suspect nor participant. ZIP was more so a victim itself. This case could not have been solved without the loyalty, unity and creativity of certain members of the ZIP family. AGENT NORWOOD turns directly into a television camera and smiles. AGENT NORWOOD YOU know who you are! 10I INT - ZIP TRAINING ROOM - AFTERNOON 10I Eagle members jump up in joyous pleasure at hearing AGENT NORWOOD'S reference to them. FENZEL glances out of a window. 9D EXT - ZIP PARKING LOT - AFTERNOON 9D In the parking lot racing media vehicles make their way into any available parking space. Reporters leap out of moving vehicles. 10J INT - ZIP TRAINING ROOM - AFTERNOON 10J MR. FENZEL turns back to the celebrating group. He claps his hands to get their attention. He allows them to gather themselves. MR. FENZEL In a few minutes your worlds will change. Frankly I can't think of any better or finer young people that deserve all that is about to bestowed upon you. They look at him like if he's weird. RAUL chuckles at the thought RAUL MR. FENZEL what in the world are you talking about? The door is burst open as security officers lead an inquiring pack of reporters into the room. Eagle members stand frozen with shocked or surprised looks as the media descends upon them. 90 47D INT - FEDERAL BUILDING - AFTERNOON 47D AGENT NORWOOD is wrapping up her briefing. AGENT NORWOOD The motive of these men appears to be one of desperation. These men have been in the United States for a number of years. They have tried unsuccessfully to become naturalized citizens of this country. One media member looks proudly at the American flag. AGENT NORWOOD What they could not understand of the Americans that were born here, how is it that they did not appear to appreciate this country, a county that those arrested simply wanted to live legally within... 26D INT - MALL OF AMERICA - AFTERNOON 26D Patrons watching the new conference on monitors in the mall, in stores are glued to every word. Water displays burst high in the air. Patrons feel a realization that they may have under appreciated America AGENT NORWOOD They come from areas where they may be lucky to earn the equivalent of four U.S. dollars per day. Where their children would not have had the option of a quality education... 35A INT - COMMISKEY PARK - AFTERNOON 35A Corridors of the ballpark have fans huddled around hanging monitors. AGENT NORWOOD Neither physical harm nor injury was intended. It was determined that the best way to get attention to their plight was to interrupt the American way of life without resorting to violence. 24B EXT - WATERWORLD - AFTERNOON 24B Parents, children, teenagers, watch the screens around the Water Park AGENT NORWOOD They felt around the world, in this country, There was an excessive abuse of the water From misuse, waste, to contamination. 91 33A INT - WALNUT CREEK SOFTBALL FIELD - AFTERNOON 33A The softball field is empty. Players, families, and coaches are gathered around televisions scattered about the stands and dugouts listening. AGENT NORWOOD They felt that when the youth of this nation truly appreciates the manicured soccer and softball fields, the ability to share a caring relationship with parents and siblings, the willingness to read a book rather than play video games, then this could really be the greatest country. 10K INT - ZIP TRAINING ROOM - AFTERNOON 10K The chatter has ceased, the room is relatively calm as most in attendance, especially eagle members, observe the television. AGENT NORWOOD Last, the real heroes in breaking this case Were the young adults, doing a summer job With ZIP. One in particular, a computer whiz... 7C INT - CHINATOWN STORE - AFTERNOON 7C Those last words of AGENT NORWOOD keens KIM LEE'S Father interest as he casually passes a television. He stops to listen. AGENT NORWOOD ...She created a tracking code that allowed us to pinpoint and confirm vital information gathered by her fellow co-workers and by our intelligence necessary in the location and apprehension of those arrested Thank you I have nothing further. KIM LEE'S Father is overcome with pride. 10L INT - TRAINING ROOM - AFTERNOON 10L The television is muted as the media commences interviews. The phone in the room rings. RING, RING. MR. FENZEL answers the phone. FENZEL This is FENZEL. What can I do for you? FEMALE VOICE This is the White House, the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES wishes to congratulate eagle members, are they there? 92 FENZEL Yes they are FEMALE VOICE Please hold MR. FENZEL waves his hand frantically to eagle members to come to the phone. They signal each other so that they all get to the phone. The speakerphone is turned on as all wait. PRESIDENT Hello this is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Eagle members are you there? Eagle members giggle at the thought but manage to respond yes. PRESIDENT Let me say that on behalf of the citizens, especially the youth of this fine nation, that we all thank you for your courage and unselfishness of ridding this country of those who choose to attempt to undermine the freedoms that we cherish. Eagle members high five each other as the media capture it on film. PRESIDENT Many folks were reluctant to visit the malls, play at the water parks and even attend the American pastime-baseball games. Each of you made it possible for us to regain and restore faith in the young people of America from the farming communities, rural areas, the suburbs to the inner cities The media photographs capture the members deep in thought. PRESIDENT This summers' events have taught us to reflect what it is that we have. That there are those who are envious and can take extreme measures to interfere with are chosen way of life. I personally invite you and your families to visit the White House but first the country will have a little parade to honor you Thank you. The phone goes silent. The room explodes in further celebration. 93 51 EXT - NEW JERSEY - NIGHT 51 Unmarked law enforcement vehicles are strategically parked. Plainclothes agents stand nearby. In the background the skyline of New York City can be seen from across the Hudson River. Along the walkway AGENT NORWOOD walks with JENNY, TODD, RAUL, KIM LEE, and TARA. They walk pass BEN and RANDY whom are conversing along the railings bordering the water. They wave to each other as the others walk. BEN I don't think they thought that you and I could overcome our differences RANDY You mean me being good looking and you not being so BEN Yeah something like that They both look across at the skyline of lower Manhattan and admire the powerful effect of the two blue lights at ground zero piercing the dark skies above RANDY Look at those lights, it's kinda like us. I lost my mother and you almost lost your. As long as those light shine then we all have the ability to move forward yet remember those lost without hindering our progress. BEN appears stunned at the words. 52 EXT - NEW YORK CITY PARADE - MORNING 52 Thousands of spectators line the parade route as marching bands perform. The mood is festive as many wave American flags high in the air. Confetti from taller buildings floats harmlessly upon those below. 53 EXT - PARADE REVIEW STAND - MORNING 53 Aprons depicting American flag colors decorate the parade-reviewing stand. In the second row sits the parents of TARA and TODD, JENNY, and RAUL. In front of them sits MR. FENZEL and BEN'S mother. Next to them is KIM LEE'S father waving his small American flag. Next to him is a vacate seat reserved for RANDY'S mother. 94 54 EXT - FLOAT - MORNING 54 A beautiful parade float carries eagle members. RAUL and TARA are in one corner waving to the crowd. TARA I almost forgot to tell you. My mother told me this morning that I was accepted at UCLA. I don't have to leave state after all. RAUL is happy for her but after a moment he lowers his head RAUL I decided to not go to junior college. TARA Oh no, what happened? WHY NOT? RAUL raises his head so that his eyes meet hers. RAUL I was accepted to UCLA too TARA jumps up and down at the news. KIM LEE is next to them but is on a cell phone. KIM LEE OH KISHA I wish you were here with me. Everyone is so happy but look, after the parade we meet with patent lawyers and then intellectual properties attorneys about marketing... TODD and JENNY in another corner acknowledge the cheering crowd until TODD turns to JENNY TODD I was invited to accept a position in ZIPS' Executive management division JENNY What about your offer out of state? TODD I told them I would only accept if it meant that I could be closer everyday to a certain college student that I fell in love with JENNY immediately smothers TODD with hugs and kisses. 95 BEN and RANDY are in another corner of the float waving to the crowd. RANDY With my mother gone, I decided that I can best serve this country by joining the military. BEN I got to respect that since my brother's in RANDY I'm going Army Rangers, like that Arizona Cardinal, Pat Tillman, who left the NFL and millions of dollars to serve his country KIM LEE still on the phone to KISHA KIM LEE GIRLFRIEND I am not taking no for an answer. You are going to be my managing partner. We are going to donate to agencies that focus with daughters without fathers. 53A EXT - PARADE REVIEWING STAND - MORNING 53A BEN'S mother is assisted in her efforts to stand to better watch the float carrying her son. As she stands she begins to gently wave. 54A EXT - FLOAT - MORNING 54A BEN points out to the upcoming reviewing stand. BEN My mama is watching and she wanted me to thank you for her with a hug FOR HER BEN makes an effort to hug RANDY but it is awkward as they half-heartedly embrace as the float reaches the beginning of the review stand where is mother watches. 53B EXT - PARADE REVIEW STAND - MORNING 53B Everyone on the review stand rises to his or her feet to join former Mayor of New York City RUDY GIUILLIANI. The seat for RANDY'S mother remains vacate. 54C EXT - FLOAT - MORNING 54C As the float reach front and center of the review stand eagle members continue to respond to the boisterous crowd. BEN and RANDY talk as the float comes to a stop. The confetti comes down dense in volumes. 96 BEN I have to tell you I know that you have done what you could to be my friend. Knowing all you wanted was to become my friend. But what you did was become my BROTHER. RANDY stands there with his mouth open feeling emotional as he staggers to the center of the float BEN Before that was from mama but this here is from me. BEN sincerely embraces RANDY in a meaningful hug. The other eagle member watch in appreciation. 53C EXT - PARADE REVIEW STAND - MORNING 53C The warm feeling that permeates the air touches everyone on the review stand. The parents look proudly at their children. BEN'S mother has a tear swelling before it slowly falls from an eye. 54D EXT - FLOAT - MORNING 54D BEN and RANDY release their mutual embrace. Simultaneously they raise an interlocked hand into the falling confetti. RAUL moves to them joining his hand onto theirs. This recital is followed by KIM LEE, Then by JENNY. TARA and TODD stroll hand in hand to the others jointly laying their hands on top of the other hands. As the float resumes its procession among the elated crowd the groups' hands remain interlocked among the floating confetti as they stand united. THE END
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