This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.-------------------------
Fighting Marvin by Cameron Chamberlain Copyright � 2005 Cameron Chamberlain No profit may be earned from the performance of this script. If you intend to use this script you must do two things: 1) E-mail me using the address listed below. 2) My name must appear as "Screenplay by Cameron Chamberlain" or something similar. Cameron Chamberlain INT. FOOD COURT - DAY Marvin is eating some food and reading the paper. As he turn the page, his Mobile Phone Rings. He picks it up to answer it. MARVIN Talk to me. JEFF (V.O.) Marvin? It's Jeff. I'm just calling to remind you about my game. You promised you'd watch it. MARVIN Yeah, Sure. What time is it on? JEFF (V.O.) 5:00 MARVIN AM or PM? JEFF (V.O.) PM you idiot. MARVIN (Turning the page) Yeah, OK, I'll be there. JEFF (V.O.) OK, See you there. Oh, another thing.. Marvin hangs up on him. He pauses, looks at the paper and jabs his finger on a spot. He picks up his mobile phone and dials a number. MARVIN Bean, Want to see a movie? BEAN (V.O.) What time? Where? MARVIN 5pm, South District Cinema. SLIDE TO: EXT. FOOTPATH - DAY JEFF You didn't even show! I won us the game and you weren't even there! The only people that even looked like you was a Fat Guy and an Albino! MARVIN I was the Fat guy! JEFF Christ, so dumb, saying you were the albino would of been more plausible! MARVIN Well I'm an albino then. JEFF Be serious. This is serious. MARVIN Fine. Where are we going? JEFF To Bean's house. SLIDE TO: BEAN Where were you? MARVIN What? BEAN The Movies? I sat there waiting for you for an Hour. A Whole Frickin' hour! (To Himself) Just one more minute, he'll show, he'll show. (To Marvin) You didn't show! MARVIN I didn't? Who the hell was eating my popcorn, then? BEAN Who the hell cares? MARVIN I care! And if I wasn't with you, where was I? BEAN Who the hell cares? What I am trying to say is... {much more important than...} MARVIN (Looking at his Watch) Whoa, Look at the time, I'd love to stay and talk but I gotta get going. Tell you what, I'll meet you at South District Shopping Centre tomorrow. BEAN Whatever. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - DAY Marvin and Bean are walking along the footpath. Marvin is eating Maltesers, Bean is hurrying to catch up with Marvin. BEAN What I'm trying to say is that... Well, You've changed. Remember what you were like? FLASH TO: INT. YOUNG MARVINS HOUSE - DAY The camera is zoomed up on his face and Party hat. KIDS (O.S.) Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! The camera pulls back to show Young Marvin sitting by him self with a CD player and a cake (with candles). KIDS (ON CD) Happy Birthday, Dear... (Computerized voice) Mar-Vin (Kids again) Happy Birthday to you! Younger Marvin starts crying. FLASH TO: EXT. STREET - DAY Marvin stops walking and looks off into the distance blankly. MARVIN No. BEAN Well remember that party you went to? With the cake? MARVIN No? BEAN Well there you were... FLASH TO: EXT. PARK - DAY Young Marvin is standing in his best getup. (Fully Buttoned Shirt, Pants up high, Neat Hair.) Kids are running all around him, ignoring him. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY There is a younger Jeff sitting on a chair, just starting to eat a piece of chocolate cake. KID 1 (O.S.) Jeff! Jeff! Jeff looks up from his cake KID 1 Look at this! It's a cool looking snail! Jeff places his leftover cake on the chair and starts running over. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY Marvin is walking along and the camera is following behind him. As he walks some more, a young Jeff runs past him, nearly knocking him over. Marvin continues on his way. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY Shot of 'The Chair with Cake' CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY Continued shot from behind as Young Marvin walks up to it. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY Shot of the Seat again CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY Continued shot from behind as Young Marvin walks up to it. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY Shot of the chair. It lingers there for a moment before a pair of legs step in the shot. The camera pans up to show a Young Marvin looking around the park. The camera pulls back to show a wide shot of Marvin and the Chair. Marvin scans around once more before seating himself on... the chair. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY Close up shot of Young Marvin's Face. His eyes go wide and he jumps up. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - DAY A Behind shot of the chair show the cake all over the seat of Marvin's pants. He turns around to get a good look at it. A kid wanders into the shot and spots Young Marvin's pants. KID 2 Hey! Look Everyone! Marvin shat his pants! All the kids come rushing closer to see. KIDS (Chanting) Marvin shat his pants! Marvin shat his pants! Marvin shat his pants! Marvin shat his pants! FADE TO: EXT. STREET - DAY The Chants are still continuing even though the image has died out. BEAN Remember? MARVIN No. The chants stop. BEAN You do! MARVIN No I don't! Marvin starts walking again. Bean starts skipping around him again. BEAN You do. You didn't have anything, no friends, poor, and now that you've got it all, you don't care. MARVIN I care, I care about a lot of things! They come across a blind guy holding out a tin for money. He is rattling it around a bit and you can hear that there is money inside. As they pass him, Marvin reaches into the tin and pulls out two dollars. MARVIN (Putting the $2 in a Vending Machine) Remember when you wanted to go out with that girl? Marris, Morris... BEAN Marissa! MARVIN (Pressing a button) That's the one, Remember how I set you up with her? BEAN No, You didn't. You set yourself up with her and partnered me up with her ugly cousin! MARVIN (Taking a sip) I did? Yeah, well, the important thing was I tried. Marvin slaps Bean on the back. MARVIN Now let's get something to eat. BEAN (Shrugging of Marvin) No. He turns and walks away in disgust. MARVIN (Pauses) Must not of been hungry. SLIDE TO: EXT. HOUSE ENTERANCE - NIGHT Shot of a door bell. A Hand reaches done and presses it. The Camera pulls back to show Jeff standing there. Bean opens the door. BEAN Come on in. CUT TO: INT. LIVINGROOM - NIGHT Shot of the door way. Bean and Jeff enter. BEAN Have a seat. Jeff takes a seat and the Camera pans around to show a behind shot of him facing Bean. BEAN Now, we're here to discuss the issue of Marvin. JEFF Great. But what is that guy doing here? The camera pans around to show a greasy kid sitting across from Jeff. Pans back to Bean BEAN Oh, That's my cousin, Nick. The Camera pans back to Nick. NICK (Greasy Accent) Sick, Mate! Camera pans back to Bean. BEAN He's staying here for awhile. Anyway, about Marvin, I say we just completely ignore him. FADE TO BLACK. FADE TO: EXT. STREET - DAY The camera is looking down the street. There is a bench near the camera. Marvin walks down the path, towards the camera. When he gets there, he pulls out his mobile. MARVIN Jeff! It's Marvin, Do you want to go...(PAUSE) Ignoring me?! Why the hell... He holds the phone out looking at the screen. MARVIN He hung up. Hung up. Great He stuffs the phone into his pocket and walks off. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - DAY Shot of Marvin's Head CUT TO: EXT. STREET - DAY Shot of sky. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - DAY Shot of Marvin walking at the camera. GOD Marvin! MARVIN (Looking around) What? Who the hell? GOD Marvin, I am God! MARVIN (Looking up into the sky) Woah. GOD What? You meet God and all you can say is "Woah"? MARVIN Uh, Hi? GOD Bah, Forget it. Marvin, you are a selfish fool! Give to others, as they give to you! MARVIN (Squinting) Uh, What? GOD Until you change your ways, you will be cursed with bad luck! MARVIN What ways? GOD (Muttering to Himself) I can't believe I created this idiot. Must of been drunk that night. Goodbye Marvin! MARVIN Wait! Don't go! The camera pans down to show a Hobo looking up at Marvin as though he was crazy. FADE TO BLACK. JEFF God? You saw God? MARVIN Heard God, I heard him. JEFF That's it, you've lost it. I'm hanging up. MARVIN No wait. I did, he called me a bloody tool, or something. JEFF You're an idiot. Bye. FADE TO: EXT. STREET - DAY The camera is looking down the street, Marvin is walking up towards it, again. RANDOM GUY walks past the camera and towards Marvin. As they meet he goes to take a sip of the drink he has and accidently spills it all over Marvin. He apologizes and walks of. NOTE: They are too far away for you to hear what they say. As Marvin walks past an alley, A pair of hands reach out and pull him in. CUT TO: EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY Marvin is pushed against the wall by two guys, their backs are turned so you can't see their faces. ROBBER 1 (With a bogan accent) OK, Mate, Your going to be handing over you wallet. ROBBER 2 (Sounds a lot like Nick) Yeah, Mate. You better hand over that wallet, mate. Marvin stares at both of them. ROBBER 2 What's the matter, mate? Do you have a problem with our type of people? MARVIN Oh, no, nah. I don't have anything against your type. ROBBER 1 Did you hear him? He said, "Your Type" MARVIN But he said it... ROBBER 2 Get him! They proceed to bash the crap out of Marvin. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: INT. MARVIN'S BEDROOM - DAY There is a shot of the bed. Marvin heads in and flops onto the bed. He sighs and a book falls from the shelf and hits him on the head. MARVIN Crap Marvin passes out. FLASH TO: EXT. SCHOOL YARD - DAY Long shot of two people bashing up a Younger Bean. The camera walks towards them, as if it is 3rd Person. When the camera reaches them, it pulls out and around to show a younger Marvin where the camera was. YOUNG MARVIN Leave him alone! The two bullies turn around and look at Young Marvin. YOUNG MARVIN He's my friend, so leave him alone. Then they look at Young Bean and back at Young Marvin. CUT TO: EXT. SCHOOL YARD - DAY Close up shot of Young Marvin and Young Bean. Their faces are severely beaten. Blood is running down Young Bean's nose and Marvin is holding his eye. Young Bean turns an looks at Young Marvin. YOUNG BEAN Idiot. FLASH TO: INT. MARVIN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT The shot is from the foot of the bed. Marvin shoots up and gasps. He is breathing heavily. The book falls on his head again and he passes out. FLASH TO: INT. MARVIN'S LIVINGROOM - DAY Young Marvin is sitting down playing with his toys. CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - DAY Shot of Phone with immediate ringing. CUT TO: INT. MARVIN'S LIVINGROOM - DAY Young Marvin looks towards the phone, which keeps ringing. CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - DAY Wide shot of the phone. Young Marvin walks up to it and answers it. YOUNG MARVIN Hello? DAD Marvin! Marvin! We won the lottery! Woo-Hoo! Young Marvin looks at the phone. SPIN TO: EXT. SCHOOL YARD - DAY Shot of passage. Kids are playing all around the camera. Marvin steps into the shot, he is decked out in expensive clothes and 'bling-bling' All the kids stop playing and look at him. 5 seconds of silence Young Jeff Runs up to him. YOUNG JEFF Can I be your friend? YOUNG MARVIN (Excited) Yeah! Sure! (Calms down) uh, I mean, 'cool'. YOUNG JEFF Did you hear that everybody? I'm Marvin's Friend! Marvin Smiles. FLASH TO: INT. MARVIN'S BEDROOM - DAY Shot of bed. Marvin isn't in it. The Camera pans down to show Marvin laying on the floor. He stirs. MARVIN What the hell am I laying on? He reaches under himself and pulls out scissors. MARVIN (His eyes going wide) Woah. That was lucky. The book falls on his head again. He stops and looks up, confused. SLIDE TO: EXT. TABLE - DAY BEAN What? JEFF I'm not joking, he did. BEAN He did? JEFF He did! He rang me up and told me God had called him a bloody tool! They both start laughing. BEAN 15 minutes without us and he starts to go insane. Anyway, I'm heading home, Nick's there and I don't trust him not to burn down the house. He gets up, still laughing. SLIDE TO: INT. LIVINGROOM - DAY Nick is watching TV. Bean enters. Bean sits down next to Nick. He grunts and reaches underneath himself. He pulls out a wallet. BEAN This looks like Marvin's wallet He looks inside. BEAN This is Marvin's walllet! NICK Like it, I nicked it off some guy. BEAN Nick! Did you rob Marvin? NICK Maybe, I don't know. Bean stands up. BEAN I can't believe you stole from Marvin! NICK (Standing up) How the hell was I supposed to know? Anyway, I thought you hated the guy? BEAN I do, but stealing from him is bad. Stealing from anybody is wrong. NICK (Mocking) Stealing is wrong. Oh, my! Get over it. BEAN I'm taking this back to Marvin. NICK Fine, but empty the money out first. Bean pauses but then takes out the money and throws it on the couch. NICK Sick. CUT TO: INT. BEAN'S KITCHEN - DAY Bean is standing with the phone next to his ear. BEAN Come on, Come on, Answer! MARVIN (V.O.) Hello? BEAN You missing a wallet? MARVIN Yeah. BEAN Well, come get it. MARVIN OK FADE TO BLACK. BEAN Here it is. MARVIN Good. He opens the wallet and looks in. NOTE: This is all done with just a plain black screen. All you can here is their voices. MARVIN Hey, I'm missing the money! BEAN You can't have everything. MARVIN How long have you had it for? BEAN Just after you got robbed, I think. MARVIN Took long enough to give it back. Well, I'm outta here. BEAN (Amazed) You still haven't learnt, have you? MARVIN Learnt what? BEAN Go, get out. MARVIN Fine. FADE IN: EXT. OUTSIDE BANK - DAY Marvin walks away from the ATM, Stuffing money into his wallet. CUT TO: EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY As Marvin walks past a hand shoots out and grabs him. Pulling him in. ROBBER 1 (V.O.) OK, Give me 'ya cash! MARVIN Not again. CUT TO TITLES Copyright � 2005 Cameron Chamberlain
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