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Thursday, October 8, 2015

You’ve Finished the Damned Script – Now What? (Anthony Cawood Primers for a Networked World) – Part 8 - post author Anthony Cawood

You’ve Finished the Damned Script – Now What?

(Anthony Cawood Primers for a Networked World)

Part 8: Scriptwriting Software

If you ask a bunch of screenwriters what software they use, you’ll get a cacophony of different views. Each one strident and strong. No matter the software, they’ll claim it’s the best. It’s industry standard, they say. You’d be mad not to use it. It’s the tool that makes writing… easy!

Needless to say, an article that examines the main contenders would be great. So here is my offering and personal experience – with opinions thrown in for good measure.

** Note – as I always do – it’s best to travel to the official websites of each: look at key features, current prices, file formats, supported Operating Systems and other details. Research is a very good thing. Especially where software is concerned.

First up, we have:

Final Draft

Price – $250

Demo – 30 Day Free trial available

Mac/PC – Both

Mobile/Device – Available for iPad and iPhone

Pro Advocates – Darren Aronofsky, J.J. Abrams, Robert Zemeckis

Final Draft considers itself the industry standard. In fact, it’s used by scores of professional screenwriters – but not all of them.

It’s feature rich to say the least. Anything FD doesn’t include probably isn’t needed.

It has over 100 script templates, integrates index cards well and even has a feature that reads the script out aloud – with different character voices!

FD’s also very customizable, with reports coming out of its ears. Plus, it imports and exports in a plethora of file types and formats.

One of the other good features – IMO – is the ability to save to Dropbox. That’s great if you use multiple devices, as it ensures you’re always working on the most up to date version of your masterpiece.

Yes, Final Draft does pretty much everything. It even has iPhone/iPad versions, currently on sale for $14.99.  (Note: mobile versions sync scripts with Dropbox. Scripts can also be stored locally, emailed, printed etc.)

The only real downsides to Final Draft? Well, the price – though it’s often discounted – and the relatively slow development timetable for enhancements.

You could always just buy the iPad version and play with that if the price tag puts you off!


Movie Magic

Price – $170 (current sale price)

Demo – 5 Day full demo available

Mac/PC – Both

Mobile/Device – Not currently

Pro Advocates – Paul Haggis, Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio, Evan Katz

Another high cost option that purports to be the industry standard. MM has a bunch of pro-screenwriter endorsements and it’s apparently the preferred format of WGA West.

From a features perspective, Movie Magic has much of the same as FD: including Text to Speech, a ton of templates and online collaboration features. And – this software has extensive (and free) support and a couple of features not found in FD.

It does, however, feel a little old these days – an overhaul seems overdue. And the inclusion of other popular hardware devices would be nice.

Downsides: price and lack of a mobile app (though their website says that’s in consideration).



Price – Basic – Free

             Standard – $9.99 per month

            Plus – $19.99 per month

Mac/PC – Online application – yes to both.

Demo – Standard & Plus have 15 day free trials

Mobile/Device – Yes

Pro Advocates – Kirk Suttles – Head of Production at

Celtx used to have a desktop version, but they’ve gone completely online of late (if you have the desktop version, it isn’t supported anymore). But if you just want a basic online screenwriting product, then the free edition is perfectly fine. Many people happily use Celtx for spec scripts.

The Standard version comes with more production type features, such as Shot Blocking, Scheduling, Budgeting, etc. The Plus version has even more features, including Live Chat support. They have a big focus on collaboration and team working as well – that’s not just a FD/MM thing!


Fade In

Price – $50

Demo – Yes

Mobile/Device – Yes (including Android)

Pro Advocates – Craig Mazin

Though a newer entrant to the market, Fade In is feature rich for the price and has some unique advantages (like Android support, a Linux version, EPUB exports etc) that make it a definite contender. It also has Dropbox support, so you can switch between desktop versions and mobile devices easily.

Fade In also also seems to have a really responsive developer, Kent Tessman – who happens to be a screenwriter too*. Additional features are added quickly and frequently, something that Final Draft and Movie Magic have been criticized for (frequently) in the past.

*Check out Kent’s great script, Chrome Noir on the Black List Table Reads podcast. It’s well worth a listen!

Downsides: I think it has fewer features in total than FD or MM, but I’m not sure they’d be missed!

If you are new to screenwriting and want a solid desktop based program, then I think Fade In is worth the look.



Price – $59

Mac/PC – Mac only

Demo – Yes

Mobile/Device – Yes

Pro Advocates – Michael Brandman, New York Times Bestselling Author

This one is Mac only (including iPad/iPhone). I haven’t had chance to look at it, but to be thorough, I thought it fair to list it anyway.

Geared for novelists as well as screenwriters, this one is a word processor with built in screenwriting functionality. It has outlining functionality, as well. You can add images and things like that to a story, just to give it more color in your mind. You can also create ePub and Kindle books via this software.

In certain ways, Storyist seems to be more of a writer’s tool. But if you are a Mac fiction writer who dabbles in screenwriting as well, it might be what you’re looking for!



Price – Free version (restricted features)

            $7.99 per month (or $99 Lifetime fee)

Mac/PC – Online application (so yes to both).

Demo – Has free version

Mobile/Device – Yes

Pro Advocates – Ed Solomon, Andy Nyman

I believe this is the newest in the collection. Like Celtx, the developers have chosen an online route. But they recently added a desktop version, providing good cross platform support. WriterDuet also incorporates cloud saving to ensure you are always using the most up to date version of your script.

One of the key features of the software is real time collaboration. You can work on scripts with a writing partner in real time – no back and forwards, or issues with version control.

One of the other good things is that the developer – Guy Goldstein – is very accessible and currently has an AMA going on Reddit (screenwriting). So he’s pretty active in general.

No, WriterDuet doesn’t have the production level features of some of its more established competitors. But to perfectly honest: if you’re an aspiring writer engaged primarily with spec scripts… do you need colored revision pages and page locking to get by?


So here you go. Check out the websites yourself. Try the free versions and find out what you like!

Admittedly, this article isn’t an exclusive list, but it discusses the main tools in use. Apologies if I’ve missed your favourite, but feel free to post in the Comments box!

My personal view? That if you’re just starting out and have a limited budget, then WriterDuet is a good choice. If you are looking for something with a little more and you have the bucks to spend, then Fade In’s the option I recommend. Then: if you want whistles and bells, the kitchen sink and don’t mind paying a hefty price, then Final Draft’s in your sights.

In the interest of full disclosure… I currently use Final Draft on PC and my iPad. But I’ve also written scripts with Celtx, WriterDuet and Fade In. So I’m agnostic with my software! UPDATE: I’ve changed what I use to Fade In on PC and iPad, loving it.

About Anthony: I’m an award-winning screenwriter from the UK with over 15 scripts produced, optioned and/or purchased. Outside of my screenwriting career, I’m also a published short story writer and movie reviewer. Links to my films and details of my scripts can be found at

10 Comments so far


October 8th, 2015 at 8:05 am

You forgot Trelby…


October 8th, 2015 at 10:18 am

You got in just before me, Led. 🙂
Anthony, great informative article though for those not in the know.


Anthony Cawood
October 8th, 2015 at 11:18 am

Trelby – inevitable I’d forget something… Feel free to add your thoughts here, will have a look at it over weekend too.


KP Mackie
October 8th, 2015 at 2:45 pm

Great article, AC!
Thanks for all your hard work. 🙂


October 8th, 2015 at 6:50 pm

Thanks KP!


Mark Renshaw
October 9th, 2015 at 3:19 am

Thanks Anthony for all the work you do for fellow writers, that’s a great list.

Just a heads up for anyone wanting to buy or upgrade Final Draft. The Create 50 intitiative have got a 40% discount offer going on at the moment.


Anthony Cawood
October 9th, 2015 at 2:13 pm

Thanks Mark, my pleasure.

Great point re discounts, always worth googling to see if if there’s any discounts and check the following sites too:-
Advice applies to any software/services you buy for your screenwriting.



Tad Israel
October 29th, 2015 at 10:24 am

Thank you, Anthony, for another enlightening piece! I wonder how many greenhorns like me are out there, devouring every bit of information you spell out for us,,, Thanks!

I also wish to thank you for guiding me to your website listing your numerous successes, plus providing your fiction pieces and scripts for free reading. I was amazed how clean, sparse and uncluttered your scripts were. I learned a lot. Thanks, again.

Best regs,
Tad Israel


Shelley Evans
November 2nd, 2015 at 12:19 pm

I just started playing around with WriterDuet and I am, frankly, blown away. Somehow it manages to capture all the writing tools that I need in an interface that is so streamlined and intuitive you can learn it in two minutes. I am a long-time (decades!) user of both Movie Magic and Final Draft, and have copies of both on my computer, but started looking for something that would work more elegantly with Scrivener (my story development software of choice), and import/export of formats like pdf and fountain. I nearly ditched WriterDuet because there was a tiny bump in the workflow (I wanted the option to append imported documents to the open script, rather than starting a new script), and got an IMMEDIATE (as in 2 minutes) response from the developer, offering to add the feature. Say, what? So I upgraded to Pro, for the month, downloaded the desktop “client” Guy has just released, which is even faster and better than the web version. I found YOUR website because I wanted to see why more people aren’t talking about this software, so I googled “WriterDuet” and “reviews”. I’m leaving this pitch because I’m so excited about the software. Nobody has paid me anything. 😀


November 4th, 2015 at 4:28 pm

Tad – many thanks for the very kind words. delighted that the articles and my scripts have helped!

Shelley – glad you’re loving WriterDuet, it’s a very good piece of software and Guy is uber responsive!



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