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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Babz Buzz – Screenwriting Podcast - post author Don

Babz BuzzIntroducing Babz Buzz. Each month Literary Agent, Babz Bitela of Silver Bitela Agency*WGA talks soup to nuts about screenwriting.

Babz talks about:

You may find more when you give it a listen.

Comedy Contest:
Babz is looking for then next hit comedy and would like for people to send the first 10 pages of their feature comedy scripts to babzbuzz @ – she will read and may comment on the excerpts in the next show. The one caveat is you need to promise Babz that you must give the pages a table read first. Attach the excerpt as a pdf and include a short logline in your email.

Babz Buzz is produced by Michael Cornetto

Music provided by Incompetech

You can subscribe to Babz Buzz as well as SimplyScripts Radio and the occasional iScript on iTunes

6 Comments so far


emily moulder
July 6th, 2010 at 7:45 pm

Great again Babz, a lot of helpful stuff! I graduated university last year and it’s been hard to keep writing without the guidance of a tutor, but your suggesstions are helping me get back on track. Thanks.


July 7th, 2010 at 10:20 pm

you are kind, thanks! You all keep me on my toes. I can’t wait for the next installment….bb


July 18th, 2010 at 4:56 am

Babz, I can’t believe a comment wasn’t posted by every writer on this site. This is truly captivating, enlightening stuff. You are such a charismatic, intense speaker.

God, I can barely wait ’til the next podcast…


August 7th, 2010 at 11:10 am

Babz, just discovered your podcast on simplyscripts! OMG! it’s so great to be able to hear somebody from the industry dispensing tips and practical advice. will be tuning in every month from now on 🙂


Screenplay Readers Blog » Blog Archive » Babz Buzz – Cool Screenwriting Podcast!
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:01 pm

[…] Simply Scripts. Babz reads tons of scripts and knows her stuff. Some great useful insights here! posted by in Screenwriting News and have No […]


Babz Buzz – Cool Screenwriting Podcast! | Screenplay Readers
December 26th, 2012 at 10:33 pm

[…] Check out Babz Bitela’s (Silver Bitela Agency*WGA) new screenwriting podcast over at Simply Scripts. Babz reads tons of scripts and knows her stuff. Some great useful insights here! […]

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