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Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Dark Year screenplay - post author Don

Thanks to Pierre who writes, …herewith [is] “The Dark Year” an adaptation of a short novel by Ismail Kadar?, the well known Franco-Albanian writer who won the Booker Prize last year. This screenplay was written originally in English and the film is actually being shot in Albania. I will be honored to have you show it on Simplyscripts since your site has been of great help to me professionally.

The Dark Year takes place in 1914 Albania, just prior to the outbreak of World War I. Albania, long under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, is now a free, though chaotic country. Five villagers set off to war to defend their country. They can’t find the war but the hero finds a woman he saves from crucifixion.

L’Ann?e Noire (The Dark Year) (en fran?ais) and The Dark Year (L’Ann?e Noire) (en anglais) by Fatmir Ko?i & Pierre Gautard (based on the novel Viti i mbrapsht? by Ismail Kadar?)

This, as well as other works in other languages, can be found on the Non English scripts page. – Don

Update: I’ve fixed the broken links to the scripts.

And, to clarify.
To read the script in French, use this link: L’Ann?e Noire (The Dark Year) (en fran?ais)

To read the script in English, use this link: The Dark Year (L’Ann?e Noire ) (en anglais)

5 Comments so far


January 13th, 2007 at 9:02 am

This is an amusing read and provides many chuckles. The writers did a great job with a less than obvious topic, and if you don’t have time to read the whole thing, you must at least read the “martyr contest”!!
Bravo to Fatmir Ko?i and Pierre Gautard, looking forward to seeing the film.


Jack Garfein
January 13th, 2007 at 2:56 pm

Pierre Gautard has a sharp and penetrating grasp of life which he brings to his work. He has a great gift for sensing the drama in a situation. You must not miss to read this story of the competition for martyrdom.


SimplyScripts - Free Movie Scripts and Screenplays
January 28th, 2007 at 7:17 am

[…] to Pierre who so graciously allowed simplyscripts to host his script for The Dark Year which is currently filming in Albania, for this excellent script-like transcript of the 1980 movie […]


Didier Dehon
March 23rd, 2007 at 1:25 am

D’une puissance ?motionnelle redoutable, ce sc?nario de Pierre Gautard et Fatmir Ko?i nous plonge en plein coeur de l’albanie de 1914. Au commencemment, on rie beaucoup de la na?vet? de ces jeunes , partis chercher une guerre dont ils ignorent tout. L’humour s’?stompe au fur et ? mesure des rencontres que ces insousciants anti-h?ros feront. La surprenante s?quence du “concour” de martyrs, d’une cruaut? sid?rante, marquera longtemps l’?sprir des lecteurs… lisez vite ce sc?nario et ,comme moi, vous serez impatient d’en d?couvrir la transposition sur grand ?cran ! Merci et bravo aux auteurs !


Arthur Lecaron
April 16th, 2007 at 7:52 am

Du rire, des ?motions, de bons moment a d?couvrir absolument…

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